File 'gui/ui.tcl' (part of 'Pool_GuiBase')

Description (short)
Helper procedures for manipulation of user interfaces.
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Helper procedures for manipulation of user interfaces.
Depends on
User interface manipulation, interface manipulation, manipulation of user interfaces, window hierarchy traversal, scan windows, traverse window hierarchy, window traversal, synchronous scrolling, separator bars, not-yet-implemented dialog, under construction, incompletion hints

::pool::ui::MsConvertDirection (dir)

Converts the specified direction into the subcommand to use for scrolling (either xscrollcommand or yscrollcommand).
Argument: dir The scroll direction, possible values are 'x', 'y', 'horizontal', 'vertical' and all unique prefixes.
Returns: The unique prefix of the scrollcommand to give to the scrollbar widget, i.e. 'x' or 'y'.

::pool::ui::MsHandleScrollbar (widgets dir args)

Scrollbar callback. Just propagates the given scroll data (in args) to the associated widgets.
Argument: widgets List of synchronized widgets.
Argument: dir Scroll direction.
Argument: args Scroll information, as given by tk.

::pool::ui::MsHandleWidget (scrollbar widgets dir first last)

Callback for listboxes bound to scrollbar. Updates the scrollbar and all widgets connected to it.
Notes: This code doesn't care to exclude the invoking widget from the update. It assumes that the invoker detects and aborts the possible looping.
Argument: scrollbar Scrollbar widget connected to all widgets.
Argument: widgets List of widgets synchronized by scrollbar.
Argument: dir Scroll direction.
Argument: first Standard scroll parameter, as given by Tk.
Argument: last Standard scroll parameter, as given by Tk.

::pool::ui::appendBindTag (w tag)

Add the tag to the binding tags of w. The new tag is added behind the end of the current tag-list.
Argument: w The widget to add the tag to.
Argument: tag The name of the tag to add to widget w.

::pool::ui::bool2state (booleanValue)

Converts a boolean value as accepted by 'expr', 'if', etc. into a state value as accepted by most widgets (option -state). True is equivalent to 'normal', false means 'disabled'.
Argument: booleanValue The value to convert.
Returns: is one of 'normal' and 'disabled'.

::pool::ui::center (w)

Centers the widget w on the screen.
Notes: Does not work for the main window ('.').
Argument: w The path of the window to center on the screen.

::pool::ui::centerMain (w h)

Centers the main window on the screen. Uses information from `wm geometry` to calculate the positioning.
Argument: w Requested width of the main window.
Argument: h Requested height of the main window.

::pool::ui::gridSeparator (w args)

Generates a horizontal/vertical separator bar named w. The separator is actually a frame, but forced into a thin line by the 'grid' geometry manager.
Argument: w Name of the separator window.
Argument: args List of <option,value>-pairs. Accepts '-orientation', '-in', '-row', '-column', '-span' and all unique prefixes.

::pool::ui::mapWindow (w args)

Executes the partial command stored in args for window w and all its children.
Argument: w top of window hierarchy to traverse
Argument: args partial command to execute

::pool::ui::multiScroll (scrollbar dir args)

Essentially the same as ::pool::ui::multiScrollList. The difference: The widgets to scroll as unit are specified by a variable number of arguments, instead of a list.
Argument: scrollbar Scrollbar to manipulate all widgets in args.
Argument: dir Scroll direction
Argument: args List of widgets to synchronize via scrollbar.

::pool::ui::multiScrollList (scrollbar dir widgets)

Binds the scrollbar to all specified widgets to let them scroll together.
Argument: scrollbar Scrollbar to manipulate all widgets
Argument: dir Scroll direction.
Argument: widgets List of widgets to synchronize via scrollbar.

::pool::ui::nyi (args)

Shows a modal dialog warning the user about entering a missing part of the application.
Argument: args Additional to text to display in the dialog.

::pool::ui::orientation (o v)

Type checker procedure. Accepts only the keys of 'scrollcmd' as directional values.
Argument: o The name of the option to check.
Argument: v The value to check
Returns: A boolean value. True signal acceptance of v.

::pool::ui::packSeparator (w args)

Generates a horizontal/vertical separator bar named w. The separator is actually a frame, but forced into a thin line by the 'pack' geometry manager.
Argument: w name of the separator window.
Argument: args List of <option,value>-pairs. Accepts '-orientation', '-in' and all unique prefixes.

::pool::ui::prependBindTag (w tag)

Add the tag to the binding tags of w. The new tag is added at the front of the current tag-list.
Argument: w The widget to add the tag to.
Argument: tag The name of the tag to add to widget w.

::pool::ui::relief (o v)

Type checker procedure. Accepts only the standard relief codes.
Argument: o The name of the option to check.
Argument: v The value to check
Returns: A boolean value. True signal acceptance of v.

::pool::ui::ymOrder (o v)

Type checker procedure. Accepts the order codes used by monthBrowserTixB.
Argument: o The name of the option to check.
Argument: v The value to check
Returns: A boolean value. True signal acceptance of v.

::pool::ui::ymdOrder (o v)

Type checker procedure. Accepts the order codes used by calendarTix.
Argument: o The name of the option to check.
Argument: v The value to check
Returns: A boolean value. True signal acceptance of v.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries