File 'clock/monthBrowseTixB.cls' (part of 'Pool_Clock')

Description (short)
Year/month choice, tix
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Widget to choose month and year
See also
monthList, calendarTix
calendar, choosing month and year, year/month choice, tix

Class 'monthBrowserTixB'

Depends on
OnWrap (dir)
TrackCharWidth (o oldValue)
TrackMonth (month)
TrackOrder (o oldValue)
TrackYear (year)
createSubwidgets ()
monthBrowserTixB ()
setBindings ()
setBindingsTo (w)
updateDisplay ()


Width of the widget in characters.
default value: 12
Order of components: The year browser is packed to the left or right of the month list.
default value: ym


OnWrap (dir)

Increment/decrement operator for internal year browser.
Argument: dir direction of wrap, must be one of 'up' or 'down'.

TrackCharWidth (o oldValue)

Executed whenever the width of the widget is changed by the outside.
Argument: o The name of the changed option, always '-charwidth'.
Argument: oldValue The old value of the option.

TrackMonth (month)

Callback. Used by the internal month list to integrate changes to the month into the overall value. Executed every time the month changed its value.
Argument: month The new value of the chosen month.

TrackOrder (o oldValue)

The widget defined allows arbitrary ordering of its components. The corresponding option is -order. This method is called everytime the option was set and executes the necessary relayout.
Argument: o The name of the changed option, always '-order'.
Argument: oldValue The old value of the option.

TrackYear (year)

Callback. Used by the internal year browser to integrate changes to the year into the overall value. Executed every time the year changed its value.
Argument: year The (possibly) new value of the chosen year.

createSubwidgets ()

Overrides valueManager:createSubwidgets
Generate the subwidgets and their layout.

monthBrowserTixB ()

Initialize the value to the current month and year, if not set already by the user.

setBindings ()

Overrides valueManager:setBindings
Adds various keyboard accelerators to the month browser.

setBindingsTo (w)

Adds various keyboard accelerators to the given widget.
Argument: w The widget the accelerators are added to.

updateDisplay ()

Overrides valueManager:updateDisplay
Method required by the superclass valueManager to propagate changes to the value into the display.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries