File 'net/pop3/storage/multi.cls' (part of 'Pool_Net')

Description (short)
Storage facility employing other storage systems
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Storage facility employing other storage systems
storage facility

Class 'multiStorage'

Storage system usable by the pop client in pop3Client. Refers to several external storage systems, as configured by the user, via add. Scans through all of them for every incoming mail until a success is reported. The scan process is event controlled, more than one can be in progress.
Done (command fail msg)
Execute (handle)
Store (handle)
SubDone (handle state msg)
add (o)
storeMessage (command message)


The command to evaluate after a scan completed. First argument is either 'done' or 'error'. In the latter case the accompanying error message is appended as the 2nd argument.


Done (command fail msg)

Overrides popClientStorageBase:Done
Overides base class functionality to allow the notification of someone outside about the completion of the scan. The standard functionality just notifies the caller.
Argument: command The script evaluate. Allowed to be empty, nothing is done in that case. Gets either 'error' or 'done' as first argument. In case of an 'error' msg is given to as well.
Argument: fail Boolean value. True signal unsucessful completion of the storing process.
Argument: msg (= {}) The error text to add as 2nd argument to command.

Execute (handle)

Invokes the chosen storage facility for the given scan.
Argument: handle Internal handle of this storage transaction. Used to remember the transaction state.

Store (handle)

Stores the message in the given scan state (handle) using the facility next on the list in the same state.
Argument: handle Internal handle of this storage transaction. Used to remember the transaction state.

SubDone (handle state msg)

Callback used by the invoked facility to notify this object about its success (or failure).
Argument: handle Internal handle of this storage transaction. Used to remember the transaction state.
Argument: state Completion state of the invoked facility.
Argument: msg (= {}) Error message in case of failure.

add (o)

Adds the storage facility o to this object.
Argument: o Handle of the storage object to add. Must be derived from popClientStorageBase.

storeMessage (command message)

Overrides popClientStorageBase:storeMessage
Stores the given message, tries all facilities known to the object.
Argument: command The script evaluate after completion of the process (use Done to accomplish this). Allowed to be empty, nothing is done in that case. Gets either 'error' or 'done' as first argument.
Argument: message The text of the message to store.


A list containing the object handles of all storage system to query during a scan.
State information for every active scan.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries