File 'net/pop3/cltStorBase.cls' (part of 'Pool_Net')

Description (short)
Interface used by a POP3 client (see pop3Client) for message storage.
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Interface used by the POP3 client core (pop3Client) to store incoming messages.
pop3 client

Class 'popClientStorageBase'

This class defines the interface used by instances of pop3Client to store retrieved mails locally.
Done (command fail msg)
store (args)
storeMessage (command message)


Done (command fail msg)

This method can be used by derived classes to signal the completion of the storage. It will execute the defined callback with the appropriate arguments.
Argument: command The script evaluate. Allowed to be empty, nothing is done in that case. Gets either 'error' or 'done' as first argument. In case of an 'error' msg is given to as well.
Argument: fail Boolean value. True signal unsucessful completion of the storing process.
Argument: msg (= {}) The error text to add as 2nd argument to command.

store (args)

An option based interface to storeMessage. The script to evaluate after completion of storing is given as argument to the option '-command'. The message is the first non-option argument.
Argument: args A list of option/value-pairs, followed by the message to store. Only '-command' is recognized.

storeMessage (command message)

Abstract method. Must be overidden by derived classes to implement the actual process of storing a message.
Argument: command The script evaluate after completion of the process (use Done to accomplish this). Allowed to be empty, nothing is done in that case. Gets either 'error' or 'done' as first argument.
Argument: message The text of the message to store.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries