File 'clock/monthList.cls' (part of 'Pool_Clock')

Description (short)
Month choice (by name, english)
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Widget to choose a month by name (english).
See also
monthListTix, calendar
calendar, choosing a month, month choice

Class 'monthList'

OnWrap (direction)
SetupList ()
TrackUserChanges ()
createSubwidgets ()
down ()
monthList ()
setBindings ()
setBindingsTo (w)
up ()
updateDisplay ()


Script to evaluate in the case of a wrap around, either at the start or the end of the year. The evaluation takes place before the execution of valueManager:command. A single argument is appended before the actual evaluation, it specifies the direction of the wrap. Possible values are 'up' (wrap 12 -> 1) and 'down' (wrap 1->12). A possible use is the modification of an associated yearBrowser.


OnWrap (direction)

Evaluates the script associated with wraparounds.
Argument: direction The direction of the current wraparound, has to be one of 'up' or 'down'.

SetupList ()

Initializes the internal listbox, adds the names of all months.

TrackUserChanges ()

Callback. Used by the internal listbox to forward changes made to the display into the internal datastructures.

createSubwidgets ()

Overrides valueManager:createSubwidgets
Generate the subwidgets and their layout.

down ()

Callback. Decrements the chosen month by one. Triggers a wraparound at the start of the year.

monthList ()

Initialize the value to the current month if not set already by the user.

setBindings ()

Overrides valueManager:setBindings
Associate bindings for this widget with its internal components.

setBindingsTo (w)

Adds various keyboard accelerators to the given widget.
Argument: w The widget the accelerators are added to.

up ()

Callback. Increments the chosen month by one. Triggers a wraparound at the end of the year.

updateDisplay ()

Overrides valueManager:updateDisplay
Method required by the superclass valueManager to propagate changes to the value into the display.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries