File 'base/cgi.tcl' (part of 'Pool_Base')

Description (short)
HTML generation commands,
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Helper procedures to facilitate multipage generation of HTML Redirection of output into a string is possible too. Is built on top of the cgi library by Don Libes.
Depends on
Tcl, cgi
See also
Cgi tools Usage
HTML generation, multipage HTML, string HTML, cgi

::pool::cgi::closePage ()

Closes the current output file and switches back to the normal mode of HTML generation.

::pool::cgi::closeString ()

Returns the HTML code stored in the currently active string buffer. Pops off one level of redirection afterward.
Returns: The HTML code stored in the currently active stringbuffer.

::pool::cgi::getString (script)

Wrapper to ::pool::cgi::openString and ::pool::cgi::closeString. Ensures correct nesting of these procedures.
Argument: script Tcl code to evaluate, should contain cgi commands producing HTML code. Nested 'getString' calls are possible.
Returns: The HTML code produced by script.

::pool::cgi::openPage (file)

Opens the file for writing and sets up everything required to redirect generated HTML code into it.
Argument: file Name of the file to write into.

::pool::cgi::openString ()

Activates redirection of HTML output into a stringbuffer. A stack of such buffers is managed to allow for multiple redirections.

::pool::cgi::putsFile (args)

This is a replacement procedure for 'cgi_puts' as contained in cgi library (by Don Libes). This version allows generation of more than one page.
Argument: args as accepted/required by the builtin 'puts'.

::pool::cgi::putsString (args)

This is a replacement procedure for 'cgi_puts' as contained in cgi library (by Don Libes). This version writes the HTML code into a string which then can be retriieved later.
Argument: args as accepted/required by the builtin 'puts'.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries