File 'net/server.cls' (part of 'Pool_Net')

Description (short)
Server construction kit.
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Framework for construction of line-oriented servers (like smtp, pop3, ...). See background for more information and net/pop3/server.cls for an example of its usage. See net/serverUtil.tcl too.
Server, Framework for servers, Construction of servers

Class 'server'

Base class for the construction of servers handling a line and command oriented protocol like SMTP, POP3, etc. Actual server classes should derive from it.
Attach (connId)
CloseConnection ()
Detach (connId)
DoCloseConnection (connId)
GreetPeer (connId)
HandleCommand (connId sock)
HandleNewConnection (sock rHost rPort)
HandleUnknownCmd (connId cmd line)
InitializeNewConnection (connId)
Log (level args)
Respond2Client (conn ok text)
SetCmdMap (map)
managesSock (sock)
reportError (sock errmsg)
server ()
start ()
~server ()


Attach (connId)

Reenables listening for commands for the given connection. See Detach too.
Argument: connId Connection identifier referencing into connMap.

CloseConnection ()

Abstract method. Called by DoCloseConnection to execute class specific code. Should do any class specific cleanup for the connection in destruction.

Detach (connId)

After this call the given connection does not listen for commands anymore. This is useful to allow temporary operation of 'fcopy' et. al. The complementary command is Attach.
Argument: connId Connection identifier referencing into connMap.

DoCloseConnection (connId)

Closes the connection described by connId. Must be associated to this server. Closes the associated channel, then cleans and destroys the connection descriptor. Uses the abstract method CloseConnection to execute class specific code.
Argument: connId Connection identifier referencing into connMap.

GreetPeer (connId)

Abstract method. Called by HandleNewConnection to execute class specific code. Should sent a greeting message to the new client.
Argument: connId Connection identifier referencing into connMap.

HandleCommand (connId sock)

Called by the event system after arrival of a new command for connection connId.
Argument: connId Connection identifier referencing into connMap.
Argument: sock Direct access to the channel representing the connection.

HandleNewConnection (sock rHost rPort)

A new connection to the server was opened. The connection descriptor is generated and initialized. A greeting will be sent upon sucessful completion of this task. In case of a failure the connection is closed immediately, without any response. Uses the abstract methods InitializeNewConnection and GreetPeer to execute class specific setup code and the greeting of the new client.
Notes: This is the part of the code you have to change if you want to implement a host based access scheme.
Argument: sock The channel handle of the new connection.
Argument: rHost The host the client resides on.
Argument: rPort The port used by the client.

HandleUnknownCmd (connId cmd line)

Standard way of handling an unknown command sent by the client to us. The 'error' is catched in HandleCommand, reported via
Argument: connId Connection identifier referencing into connMap.
Argument: cmd The name of the command not understood by the server.
Argument: line The complete line sent by the client.

InitializeNewConnection (connId)

Abstract method. Called by HandleNewConnection to execute class specific code. Should do any class specific initializations for the new connection.
Argument: connId Connection identifier referencing into connMap.

Log (level args)

Convenience method, wraps around the syslog interface, automatically adds the server handle to the written text. See ::pool::syslog::syslog too.
Argument: level Relative importance of the logged message. Should be one of the strings returned by ::pool::syslog::levels.
Argument: args List containing the texts to log.

Respond2Client (conn ok text)

Internal procedure. Writes a response text to the client represented by conn. To the caller it is equivalent to the builtin 'return'.
Argument: conn Descriptor of connection to write to.
Argument: ok Primary response, specific to the server subclass
Argument: text Additional text following the primary response.

SetCmdMap (map)

Used by derived classes to establish the mapping from command names to their handler methods.
Argument: map The mapping in 'array set/get' format.

managesSock (sock)

Used by the custom background handler in net/serverUtil.tcl to check wether a socket is handled by the queried server or not.
Argument: sock The handle of the socket to look for.
Returns: a boolean value. 1 indicates that the socket is handled here.

reportError (sock errmsg)

Reports an error in the underlying server, closes the affected connection.
Argument: sock Handle of the channel representing the connection.
Argument: errmsg The message to print out.

server ()

Constructor. Installs the custom background error handler upon the first call, see net/serverUtil.tcl. Always registers the new server in the map (<cv servers>) used by the error handler.

start ()

A server is dormant until this method is called.

~server ()

Destructor. This closes all currently open connections too.


The port the server shall listen on for new connections. Must be set by subclasses. The default value causes an error in start.
Maps a command name to the method handling it. Must be set by subclasses, see SetCmdMap.
Together with connMap the fundamental datastructure of a server. This array maps from socket handles to a 3-element list containing the remote host, remote port and internal connection id of the connection running over the socket.
Together with sockMap the fundamental datastructure of a server. This array maps from internal connection ids to the handle of the socket used to talk to the client.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries