File 'gui/fbDialog.cls' (part of 'Pool_GuiBase')

Description (short)
base of dialogs with stateline for feedback
Written by
Andreas Kupries
base class of all megadialogs containing a stateline for feedback
dialog with feedback, feedback, stateline

Class 'feedbackDialog'

This is the base class of all dialogs with a stateline at the bottom. Additionally employs the notion of a child site to allow for easy customization by derived classes and other users.
The user visible components are 'childsite' and 'stateline'.
createSubwidgets ()
hideFeedback (hide)
setText (handle text)


createSubwidgets ()

Overrides dialog:createSubwidgets
Create and place child site and stateline. Both are user visible components. The stateline is placed at the bottom, the child site above that. Only the child site reacts to changes in the size of the dialog.

hideFeedback (hide)

Allows users to hide and display the stateline.
Argument: hide (= 1) Boolean flag. A value of true (default) signals the widget to hide the statteline. It will show it for hide == false.

setText (handle text)

Allows users to set text into the stateline without resorting to 'x subwidget stateline setText ...'. Offers additional functionality besides that simple forwarding by enforcing the visibility of the stateline.
Argument: handle The symbolic name associated to the message. Can be used between messages from several different #sources.
Argument: text The text to show in the stateline.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries