27 Repositories (Disabled by Name)

Project Repository VCS #Forks Size #Commits Changed Updated Created
OfflineAttend 16-bit microprocessor: final project for CMSC 240 - Dan Hopkins - dan-hopkins https://github.com/dan-hopkins/HERA-Processor GitHub GitHub 304K 5 2020-06-11 06:43:25 2022-07-22 08:57:54 2020-06-11 06:43:25
OfflineAttend 32bit SpaceWire core with AHB/APB/WB interfaces - Alexander - whtfpga https://github.com/whtfpga/SpaceWire GitHub GitHub 444K 10 2019-03-06 05:13:23 2022-07-24 21:12:51 2019-03-06 05:13:23
OfflineAttend :heavycheckmark: Check the quality of an image for defects including blur, under-exposure, over-exposure and low contrast. - Sean Ryan - mrseanryan https://github.com/mrseanryan/image-checker GitHub GitHub 3 17.9M 35 2023-01-26 18:49:25 2023-08-18 17:36:45 2023-01-26 18:49:25
OfflineAttend A domain-specific language for digital hardware design and synthesis - Guillaume Savaton - aumouvantsillage https://github.com/aumouvantsillage/Silicate GitHub GitHub 352K 116 2021-07-04 06:11:37 2022-07-24 21:17:44 2021-05-13 18:13:38
OfflineAttend ChipDB builder for NextPnR project - Yosys Headquarters - YosysHQ https://github.com/YosysHQ/nextpnr-chipdb GitHub GitHub 524K 10 2020-06-15 07:31:30 2022-07-22 08:57:54 2020-06-15 07:31:30
OfflineAttend Contextual Query Language (CQL) compiler for Java - xbib https://github.com/xbib/cql GitHub GitHub 2 648K 19 2022-07-24 08:27:11 2022-10-26 13:44:57 2022-07-24 08:27:11
OfflineAttend ditaa - Diagrams Through Ascii Art https://git.code.sourceforge.net/p/ditaa/git Git Git 0 132K 0 2020-04-17 18:23:14 2023-08-19 03:56:37 2020-04-17 18:23:14
OfflineAttend e-maxx-eng-auto - e-maxx-eng https://github.com/e-maxx-eng/e-maxx-eng-auto GitHub GitHub 0 264K 38 2022-07-22 10:27:49 2023-01-09 08:26:38 2020-10-06 07:56:07
OfflineAttend e-maxx-eng.github.io - e-maxx-eng https://github.com/e-maxx-eng/e-maxx-eng.github.io GitHub GitHub 4 292K 40 2022-07-24 09:18:51 2023-01-09 08:26:38 2022-07-24 09:18:51
OfflineAttend G'MIC is a full-featured open-source framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, ranging from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images, including 2d color images. http://gmic.eu - David Tschumperlé - dtschump https://github.com/dtschump/gmic GitHub GitHub 0 955.2M 10169 2023-04-05 21:57:05 2023-08-19 01:16:35 2022-07-24 13:46:22
OfflineAttend GUI interface to SpaceWire and RMAP - Takayuki Yuasa - yuasatakayuki https://github.com/yuasatakayuki/SpaceWire-RMAP-GUI GitHub GitHub 6.5M 7 2019-03-06 05:12:59 2022-07-22 08:57:54 2019-03-06 05:12:59
OfflineAttend My personal CLI Photo Manager - Vincent Cantin - green-coder https://github.com/green-coder/photon GitHub GitHub 180K 10 2019-01-09 19:45:53 2022-07-21 20:26:56 2019-01-21 17:31:01
OfflineAttend Native FPGA toolchain for Lattice iCE40 and Cypress FX2 (sdcc, Yosys, nextpnr) - Glasgow Embedded - GlasgowEmbedded https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/toolchain GitHub GitHub 140K 0 2020-06-15 07:06:41 2022-07-22 08:57:54 2020-06-15 07:06:41
OfflineAttend Next-generation cryptography library for the Linux kernel. https://git.zx2c4.com/linux-dev/ Git Git 0 2.2G 1108145 2022-07-22 07:28:30 2022-12-06 12:54:32 2020-06-09 06:29:48
OfflineAttend Open Archive Initiative (OAI) for Java - xbib https://github.com/xbib/oai GitHub GitHub 0 712K 32 2021-12-22 13:31:07 2022-10-26 13:44:57 2021-06-30 11:35:43
OfflineAttend RISC-V Random Instruction Stream Generator - OpenHW Group - openhwgroup https://github.com/openhwgroup/core-v-isg GitHub GitHub 584K 32 2020-07-06 17:46:47 2022-07-22 14:22:23 2020-07-06 17:46:47
OfflineAttend Rocket Chip Generator - freechipsproject https://github.com/freechipsproject/rocket-chip GitHub GitHub 0 39.0M 11780 2023-02-03 02:07:07 2023-08-18 20:56:38 2019-01-21 03:31:01
OfflineAttend ScanTailor Advanced is the version that merges the features of the ScanTailor Featured and ScanTailor Enhanced versions, brings new ones and fixes. - 4lex4 https://github.com/akvik/scantailor-advanced GitHub GitHub 0 8.5M 563 2022-08-01 19:27:36 2023-02-15 02:46:28 2022-08-01 19:27:36
OfflineAttend ScanTailor Advanced is the version that merges the features of the ScanTailor Featured and ScanTailor Enhanced versions, brings new ones and fixes. - 4lex4 https://github.com/astahlhofen/scantailor-advanced GitHub GitHub 0 7.9M 481 2022-08-01 19:57:12 2023-09-07 20:23:18 2022-08-01 19:57:12
OfflineAttend ScanTailor Advanced is the version that merges the features of the ScanTailor Featured and ScanTailor Enhanced versions, brings new ones and fixes. - 4lex4 https://github.com/siburuxue/scantailor-advanced GitHub GitHub 0 6.5M 393 2022-08-01 19:36:59 2023-03-01 16:36:43 2022-08-01 19:36:59
OfflineAttend ScanTailor Universal - a fork based on Enhanced+Featured+Master versions of ST - Alexander Trufanov - trufanov-nok https://github.com/slin333/scantailor-universal GitHub GitHub 0 8.7M 1535 2022-11-27 08:57:07 2022-12-16 05:46:47 2022-10-07 11:26:48
OfflineAttend spacewire https://opencores.org/ocsvn/spacewire/spacewire/ Subversion Subversion 0 6.8M 29 2020-06-08 22:32:15 2023-01-09 21:06:15 2020-06-08 22:32:15
OfflineAttend SpaceWireDocuments - Takayuki Yuasa - yuasatakayuki https://github.com/yuasatakayuki/SpaceWireDocuments GitHub GitHub 6.2M 5 2019-03-06 05:12:52 2022-07-22 08:57:54 2019-03-06 05:12:52
OfflineAttend Standard number implementations for Java - xbib https://github.com/xbib/standardnumber GitHub GitHub 0 548K 6 2021-06-30 11:35:31 2022-10-26 13:44:57 2021-06-30 11:35:31
OfflineAttend UserFPGA IP Core of SpaceWire 8ch ADCBox - Takayuki Yuasa - yuasatakayuki https://github.com/yuasatakayuki/UserFPGA_8chADCBox GitHub GitHub 7.5M 7 2019-03-06 05:13:07 2022-07-22 08:57:54 2019-03-06 05:13:07
OfflineAttend VHDL FPU project - Philippe Faes - philippefaes https://github.com/philippefaes/FPU GitHub GitHub 984K 1 2019-03-01 21:20:35 2022-07-22 08:57:54 2019-03-01 21:20:35
OfflineAttend Virtual Forth CPU that emulates a small stack-based CPU J1. - Georgiy Komarov - jubnzv https://github.com/jubnzv/j1 GitHub GitHub 1.9M 5 2021-09-03 22:45:54 2022-07-22 20:16:59 2021-09-03 22:45:54

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Mail to Andreas Kupries