1637 Projects (By Name)

Project Repos Stores
"hunter2" is a simple script-oriented password manager - rkeene - Roy Keene 1 1
2048 (puzzle game) - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 2 2
2D water surface animation in Tcl/Tk - PM - dusthillresident 1 1
3dcanvasSpec (openSUSE 3D Canvas Widget (for Tcl/Tk) RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
9pm (Management framework) - rical 7 7
A 2D CAD with rudimentary support for 2.5D GCode generation. - Revar Desmera - revarbat 1 1
A Discord bot written in Tcl with the discord.tcl library. - Yixin Zhang - qwename 1 1
A Jupyter Kernel for the Tcl language. - Ryan Pepper - rpep 1 1
A Lua binding for Tcl programming language This repository was converted from a CVS repository on luaforge.net on Jan. 20, 2010. If you are the maintainer, please fork and then email luaforge@gmail.com and ask us to \"reroot\" it to you. (Or you can ask us to delete the repository.) - LuaForge - luaforge 1 1
A Slack client in Tcl / Tk - Nick Barth - nickbarth 1 1
A TCL package to add more sophisticated (Python-inspired) exception handling. - A. Stiles - abstiles 1 1
A TCL package to add more sophisticated (Python-inspired) exception handling. - Cyril - cyrilthomas 1 1
A TCL templating script for merging/packaging files into a single TCL file - jamerfort 1 1
A TLDR client written in Jim TCL. 1 1
A Tcl API for shapelib 1 1
A Tcl Implementation of FastCGI/SCGI/WSGI Protocol - Sean Zhang - noyesno 1 1
A Tcl Parser for Tcl Source Code Analysis and Filter - Sean Zhang - noyesno 1 1
A Tcl extension for interacting with the JACK Audio Connection Kit library (jacklib). - screwtop - screwtop 1 1
A Tcl package for Modbus communication (including a device capabilities database) - screwtop - screwtop 1 1
A Tcl parser, in Tcl. Initially a port of the parser portion of Tcl.js - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
A Tcl-Library for scripted HDL generation - ICGlue - icglue 3 3
A Tcl-based CAD Tool Framework for Xilinx's Vivado Design Suite - BYU Configurable Computing Lab - byuccl 1 1
A Tcl/Tk Tetris Clone - Nick Barth - nickbarth 1 1
A Tk interface for Perl - Gisle Aas - gisle 1 1
A Vim plugin for on-the-fly Tcl syntax checking and linting. - Kearn Holliday - kearnh 1 1
A bag of Tcl/Tk things - Alex Plotnikov - aplsimple 1 1
A beautiful modern theme for ttk, inspired by MS Excel's look - rdbende - rdbende 1 1
A code editor made in Tcl/Tk - alan.invents - ALANVF 1 1
A collection of Internet protocol (HTTP, FTP) embedded servers for Tcl using TclOO - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
A collection of Tcl utility functions made over the years - Kristoffer Lawson - Setok 1 1
A collection of scripts and components designed for use with the Ion window manager on Linux. - screwtop - screwtop 1 1
A functional testing framework in object-oriented Tcl - Tobias Koch - tobijk 5 5
A gorgeous theme for ttk, based on Microsoft's Sun Valley visual style - rdbende - rdbende 1 1
A graphical editor and event-driven simulator for digital circuits - Ben Noordhuis - bnoordhuis 1 1
A hack done in Tcl to recover the lost images from LessWrong.com - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
A library of tcl procedures for interacting with the Raspberry Pi SenseHat - vh3 1 1
A lightweight graphical frontend for gdb to debug local or embedded apps - ebcfr 1 1
A minimal Ruby interface to libtcl - Aslak Hellesøy - aslakhellesoy 1 1
A numeric array extension for Tcl. - john roll - jbroll 1 1
A set of debugging/development tools for Tcl/Tk. Sort of a plug-in IDE. - screwtop - screwtop 1 1
A simple CLI wrapper around tclmpc - cannable 1 1
A simple Tcl only Web framework for small systems - Scott Beasley - jscottb 1 1
A simple Tcl/C++ build and packaging system - anticrisis 1 1
A simple digital image curation web app - john roll - jbroll 1 1
A simple html template parser for TCL (inspired from Python Django) - Cyril - cyrilthomas 1 1
A simple nonogram solver written in tcl - Adly Abdullah - slebetman 1 1
A simple text editor in Tcl/Tk with SQLite - screwtop - screwtop 1 1
A simple, fast HTTP server with Tcl handlers - anticrisis 1 1
A small Atom/RSS parser in Tcl 8.5+ - Alexander Gromnitsky - gromnitsky 1 1
A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit - Andreas Kupries - andreas-kupries 1 1
A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit - Steve Bennett - msteveb 1 1
A small syntax highlighting JAR for Tcl in IntelliJ products - James Deucker - bitwisecook 1 1
A small, modular IRC client written in Tcl/Tk - Daniel Lowe - dlowe-net 1 1
A stunning modern theme for ttk inspired by Fluent Design - rdbende - rdbende 1 1
A stunning theme for ttk based on Microsoft's Sun Valley visual style. This time with SVG images. - rdbende - rdbende 1 1
A tcl bytecode decompiler - Aidan Hobson Sayers - aidanhs 1 1
A tcl package that enables access to the Amazon AWS webservice apl - Wojciech Kocjan - wojciechka 1 1
A texteditor written in tcl/tk - Richard Pöttler - poettler-ric 1 1
A tk extension to the bind command with query, replace and delete functions. - Scotty - scottypitcher 1 1
A tool for automated tcl→lua conversion, for SQLite TCL test suite - Nick Zavaritsky - mejedi 1 1
ALDT (Arnulf's LaTeX Documentation Tool) - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
AOLserver Demo for Tcl/Tk 2008 Conference - Scott Goodwin - scottg 1 1
APWTCL (Arnulf's Preferred Web Tcl) - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
APWTCL (Arnulf's Preferred Web Tcl, ObjectiveC) - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
ASN1-parser written in tcl - a513 1 1
ATWF (A Tcl Web Framework) - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
AWS modules for TCL - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
Abstraction of SQL to more conveniently use relational databases - paulwal - Paul 1 1
Accordion - Schelte Bron 1 1
AccountsLedger - openacs 1 1
Achatina (some sort of web app?) - Tomasz Konojacki (xenu) 1 1
AcsDatetime - openacs 1 1
AcsEvents - openacs 1 1
AcsLdapAuthentication - openacs 1 1
AcsMail - openacs 1 1
AcsObjectManagement - openacs 1 1
AcsOutdated - openacs 1 1
Ada binding to Tcl/Tk, based on TASH - Bartek Jasicki - thindil 1 1
Added sugar for Tcl chans - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Address.tcl (a very simple, basic address book thingy in tcl/tk) - Tony Baldwin 2 2
AddressBook - openacs 1 1
Adserver - openacs 1 1
Advanced variable utilities for Tcl - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
AgentSmith (redmatrix client in tcl/tk) - Tony Baldwin 2 2
AitCS - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
AjaxFilestorageUi - openacs 1 1
AjaxPhotoalbumUi - openacs 1 1
Ajaxhelper - openacs 1 1
Algorithm and data structure articles for https://cp-algorithms.com (based on http://e-maxx.ru) - cp-algorithms 1 1
Allow custom Tcl_ObjTypes to be defined and used in Tcl scripts - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Alplay - Danilo Chang 1 1
Alternative TCL JSON decoder and encoder - bef 1 1
Ams - openacs 1 1
An analogue clock written in Tcl/Tk - PM - dusthillresident 1 1
An array of records extension for Tcl. - john roll - jbroll 1 1
An extension for Tk to read SVG images based on nanosvg - Harald Oehlmann - oehhar 7 7
An extension to JTcl that implements all the functionality F5 added to the Tcl language - Stefan Magnus Landrø - landro 1 1
An extension to the Tcl language which allows Virtual Filesystems to be built - Greyson Christoforo - greyltc 1 1
An extravagant interpreted programming language written in Tcl. - Tim K - timkoi 1 1
An extremely tiny file server with access control lists. - Tim K - timkoi 1 1
An implementation of the Obex protocol in Tcl. - apnadkarni 1 1
AndroWish Applications - Gerald Lester 1 1
AndroWish allows to run desktop Tcl and Tk programs almost unaltered on the Android Platform - Christian Werner - cwerner 1 1
AnnotatEdit (Proof of concept for a "literate programming" editor; comment blocks displayed adjacent to corresponding code.) - Jim 1 1
Aoplay (A very simple Tcl script to play music) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Apache2Mod_rivetSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Apache Rivet (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang (Archived) 1 1
AppdirsTcl (Tcl module to simplify cross-platform application file locations) - Lawrence Woodman 3 3
ApplicationTrack - openacs 1 1
Applications and packages by Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany 1 1
Arcencode (Tcl implementation of the polyline coordinate list compression algorithm used by MapQuest and Google Maps.) - Jim 1 1
Array - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Assertions for testing in Tcl - Cris Fugate - crisafugate 1 1
Assessment - openacs 1 1
AssessmentPortlet - openacs 1 1
Asteroids in tcl/tk - Jake Shelby - jmshelby 1 1
AsynCA - Christian Gollwitzer 1 1
Asynchronous IO helpers for Tcl - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Atdict (Active Tcl Dictionaries) - Will Duquette 1 1
Athena Regional Stability Model, v6.2 and prior - AthenaModel - AthenaModel 1 1
Athena Regional Stability Simulation - AthenaModel - AthenaModel 1 1
Atom - Andreas Kupries 3 2
AtomLanguageDashtcl (Atom Syntax Grammars for Tcl/Tk 8.6.6 ) - Dash-OS 1 1
Attachments - openacs 1 1
AudeLA - TCL extension aimed at providing amateur astronomers with image processing, telescope controling, ccd camera driving, and various astronomical algorithms. 1 1
AuthLdap - openacs 1 1
AuthorizeGateway - openacs 1 1
AutomataAsTools (Experiments with making tools based on different classes of automata/abstract machines.) - Peter Lewerin 1 1
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/smhasher@gh - aappleby 1 1
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/tcltcc - Scott Goodwin - scottg 1 1
Autosetup (A better, faster autoconf replacement) - Steve Bennett 18 18
AutosetupJam (Simple Jam-based build system as an autosetup plugin) - Steve Bennett 1 1
Auxiliary stuff for article sources - cp-algorithms 1 1
Awesome examples for my Sun Valley ttk theme! - rdbende - rdbende 18 18
BDD for Tcl - Arthur Schreiber - arthurschreiber 3 3
BLT - William Joye 3 3
BWidget 17 16
BWidget mega-widget package (Old copy) - Patzschke + Rasp Software GmbH - prs-de 1 1
BaLre (Business Activity Library & Runtime Engine) - Stefan Sobernig 3 3
Backup - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Bakkabot (Silly irc bot that smells like chicken) - rical 1 1
BallroomDJ is a ballroom music player. It is designed with the goal of being able to play music the entire evening without intervention. 1 1
Barebones JSON viewer in Tcl/Tk - Peter Piwowarski - oldlaptop 1 1
BaseXClient-Tcl - Danilo Chang 1 1
Bday (Simple command line birthday manager) - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
Bifurc (Small Tcl/Tk Examples) - Sam Bromley 1 1
Bin2c (Tcl script to convert an input file into a C array for inclusion in a C source file.) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
BinaryTools.tcl - crshults 1 1
Binding to Linux FUSE subsystem - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
Binding to Linux Inotify facility - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
Binding to Linux PAM service - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
Binding to POSIX message queues - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
Binding to POSIX mmap syscall - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
Binding to Unix syslog facility - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
BkrClientImproved (Better beaker client toolkit.) - tcler.yin 1 1
Blob - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Blt (Fork of George Howlett's BLT Tcl package from SourceForge) - apnadkarni 1 1
BmPortlet - openacs 1 1
Bonjour - Blair Kitchen 2 2
Book version of e-maxx-eng - Anton Älgmyr - algmyr 1 1
BookFlow - Andreas Kupries 2 2
BookRepositoryTools () - Alexander Danilov 1 1
Bookmarks - openacs 1 1
Bookshelf - openacs 1 1
Boomerang - openacs 1 1
Bringing awesome templating to Tcl. - Arthur Schreiber - arthurschreiber 2 2
Browser Tk 1 1
BugTracker - openacs 1 1
BulkMail - openacs 1 1
BwidgetSpec (open SUSE RPM spec for BWidget (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Byzi - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
CAWT - COM Automation With Tcl 1 1
CLI tool and Tcl library for manipulating /etc/hosts - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
CM - Andreas Kupries 3 2
CMakeTclExt - Mark Janssen 1 1
CSV files for the AISC Shapes Database - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
CTk - Roy Keene 1 1
CWind - Satoshi Imai @iamdave 1 1
Calendar - openacs 1 1
CalendarIncludelet - openacs 1 1
CalendarPortlet - openacs 1 1
Canvas3D - Richard Hipp, Sean Woods 2 1
CardDAVSearch - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
Cards - openacs 1 1
CardsPortlet - openacs 1 1
CassTcl - FlightAware 3 3
CasstclRpmSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for casstcl (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Categories - openacs 1 1
CensysTcl (Tcl library for Censys) - level44 1 1
Change - Andreas Kupries 3 2
ChangeTrackedVariable.tcl - crshults 1 1
Chat - openacs 1 1
ChatIncludelet - openacs 1 1
ChatPortlet - openacs 1 1
ChatteringChecker (A simplest tool to check if your mouse button switch is debounded) - Yusuke Yamasaki 1 1
ClassCheckin - Gerald Lester 1 1
Clay Framework - Sean Woods - hypnotoad 1 1
Clickthrough - openacs 1 1
Client.tcl - crshults 1 1
Climate your Tesla using a Tcl Script - Jörg Mehring - joergmehring 1 1
Clock - Danilo Chang 1 1
Clone of Tcl NAP (http://tcl-nap.sourceforge.net/) - Paul J. Durack - durack1 1 1
Cloudflare fork of zlib with massive performance improvements - Cloudflare - cloudflare 1 1
Clov - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
Cmark (GitHub's fork of cmark, a CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C) - apnadkarni 1 1
CmarkGfmSpec (openSUSE cmark-gfm RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Cmdr - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Cms - openacs 1 1
Code to do things with a DSC alarm system from a Raspberry Pi using the TL-100 serial interface - Karl Lehenbauer - lehenbauer 1 1
CodeByKevin - Kevin Walzer 1 1
Collection of small tools used for web development. - evilotto 1 1
Combobox (iwidgets 4.0.1 combobox.itk improved...) - Nagarajan Chinnasamy 1 1
Common Access Card PKCS#11 Provider - Roy Keene - rkeene 1 1
Common corpora used for lossless compression testing and benchmarking. - zlib-ng - zlib-ng 1 1
Common support bits of TEA extensions - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Compressedsocketsperiments - Karl Lehenbauer 1 1
Concept2 Rowing Machine to RunKeeper Tools - David McNett - nugget 1 1
Concocter (Template configuration files and (re)start program whenever they have changed) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
ConfiguratorTcl (Configuration parsing module for Tcl) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Connections - openacs 1 1
ConsIO (Console library for Tcl/Tk; Basic functionality for console apps under Windows.) - Matti J. Kärki 1 1
Contacts - openacs 1 1
ContentPortlet - openacs 1 1
Control TTYs and ANSI colour escape sequences from Tcl scripts - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
CookieConsent - openacs 1 1
CouchDBTcl - Danilo Chang 1 1
CouchdbSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Apache CouchDB) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Courses - openacs 1 1
CppLinenoise (Multi-platform (Unix, Windows) C++ header-only linenoise-based readline library) - apnadkarni 1 1
CppTcl - FlightAware 16 16
CrateDBTcl - Danilo Chang 1 1
Create Docker images - tcl2020 1 1
Create Python/Ruby bindings from Tcl code pretty easily! - Rover the Cat - RoverAMD 1 1
CriTcl - Andreas Kupries 19 19
Crimp - Andreas Kupries 3 2
CritclSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for critcl (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Cronjob - openacs 1 1
Crunch - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Cryptmail (Tcl script which reads data from stdin, optionally encrypts with GPG, and mails it using a specified mail server) - Will Storey 1 1
Crypto - Cyan Ogilvie 3 3
CsvOps (A project to rewrite a tool for scripted data diffs and simple analysis.) - Peter Lewerin 1 1
CurlYQL - Danilo Chang 1 1
Curriculum - openacs 1 1
CurriculumCentral - openacs 1 1
CurriculumTracker - openacs 1 1
Curses text mode UI extension for Tcl closely following the Tk model - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Custom Language for Notepad++. It has the same functionality as the Tcl language option in Notepad++, with added features for OpenSees Commands. Modified from work done by aliirmak (https://github.com/aliirmak/notepad-plus-plus-opensees/blob/master/OpenSees.xml) - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Custom Tcl Recorders for OpenSees - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Custom highway shields for OpenStreetMap - Kevin B Kenny - kennykb 1 1
DACT - Roy Keene 1 1
DBif - Schelte Bron 1 1
DBus - Schelte Bron 2 2
DBusSnit - Stephen Huntley 1 1
DBusTool - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
DDT - Dynamic Debugging for Tcl - Andreas Drollinger - Drolla 1 1
DLTK - Eclipse Project 1 1
DOnDeVFS (Download ON DEmand VFS) - Wojciech Kocjan 1 1
DRMAATcl (Tcl bindings for DRMAAv1) - Fred Youhanaie 1 1
DaniloTools - Danilo Chang 1 1
DarkskyTcl (Tcl package providing a www.darksky.net weather API client) - Will Storey 1 1
Data Import, Conversion, and Export - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Datamanager - openacs 1 1
DatamanagerPortlet - openacs 1 1
Dayspeed (Experimental Tcl extension to create Itcl class methods in C) - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
DbUtil - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Dbm - openacs 1 1
Demonstration of how colour scheme support could be added to Ttk - PM - dusthillresident 1 1
Demos for the TCL langauge - Mark Veltzer - veltzer 1 1
Deploy Tcl/Toolatra applications to Heroku with this build pack. - Tim K - timkoi 1 1
DesignPatternsInTcl (Collection of popular design patterns implemented in Tcl & TclOO) - level44 1 1
Diagram - openacs 1 1
DictMap (Tcl package that allows import/export of data in various formats - JSON, XML and Tcl dict/list at the moment) - Wojciech Kocjan 1 1
DiffUtilTcl (Tcl package for diff utility functions, like Longest Common Substring) - Peter Spjuth 1 1
Digital logic designer and simulator - REDS institute - reds-heig 1 1
Directory - openacs 1 1
Discord API library writtten in Tcl. - Yixin Zhang - qwename 1 1
Disque (A distributed message broker) - Salvatore Sanfilippo 1 1
Disque (DISQUE API in Tcl) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Disque2any (Generic Disque job ingester) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
DjDSL - Stefan Sobernig 1 1
Django template component that uses Tcl - Kristoffer Lawson - Setok 1 1
Docker build system for alpine-tcl image - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Docker2stomp (Send output of docker components to stomp queues) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
DockerMosquitto (Easily configurable eclipse MQTT broker) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
DockerTcl (Ubuntu-based batteries-included Tcl for Docker) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
DockerTclJava - Danilo Chang 1 1
DockerTclNaviserver - Danilo Chang 1 1
Dockron (Cron for docker containers and related) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Documentation for the autosetup project - Steve Bennett - msteveb 1 1
Documentation generator for Tcl - apnadkarni - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
Dotfolio - openacs 1 1
Dotlrn - openacs 1 1
DotlrnAdmin - openacs 1 1
DotlrnApplicationTrack - openacs 1 1
DotlrnBboard - openacs 1 1
DotlrnBm - openacs 1 1
DotlrnCalendar - openacs 1 1
DotlrnCatalog - openacs 1 1
DotlrnChat - openacs 1 1
DotlrnContent - openacs 1 1
DotlrnDatamanager - openacs 1 1
DotlrnDotlrn - openacs 1 1
DotlrnEcommerce - openacs 1 1
DotlrnEditThisPage - openacs 1 1
DotlrnFaq - openacs 1 1
DotlrnForums - openacs 1 1
DotlrnFs - openacs 1 1
DotlrnHomework - openacs 1 1
DotlrnJabber - openacs 1 1
DotlrnLorsm - openacs 1 1
DotlrnNews - openacs 1 1
DotlrnPortlet - openacs 1 1
DotlrnProjectManager - openacs 1 1
DotlrnStatic - openacs 1 1
DotlrnSurvey - openacs 1 1
DotlrnSyllabus - openacs 1 1
DotlrnTasks - openacs 1 1
DotlrnUserTracking - openacs 1 1
DotlrnWeblogger - openacs 1 1
DotlrnWps - openacs 1 1
DpTcl - Gerald Lester 1 1
Draw cool randomly generated drawings, sometimes resembling spaghetti. - Jake Shelby - jmshelby 1 1
DrillREST - Danilo Chang 1 1
DroidWarz - wSean Woods 1 1
DroneCommand - Stephen Huntley 1 1
DruMa - Teach an AitCS new moves 1 1
Duft - Datagrams and Udp For Tcl - Stuart Cassoff (stwo, aryler) 1 1
DynamicTypes - openacs 1 1
ETclFace (An Erlang/Tcl Interface) - Fred Youhanaie 1 1
EXMH - Extensible MH Email Interface 1 1
EZT - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
Ecommerce - openacs 1 1
Edcucumber (Exported from code.google.com/p/edcucumber) - blacksqr 1 1
EditThisPage - openacs 1 1
Eduwiki - openacs 1 1
EfrLib (Collection of more-or-less unrelated Tcl packages) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
EfrTools (code.google.com/p/efr-tools) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Eggdrop Compatible TCL script framework - madpinger 1 1
EggdropScripts (Collection of Eggdrop Tcl scripts) - Will Storey 20 20
EmailHandler - openacs 1 1
Embedded Systems Tools - Andrew Mangogna 1 1
ErlHecl (Erlang Hecl Interpreter) - David N. Welton 1 1
Eskil - Peter Spjuth 1 1
EtcdCtl (Etcd client in Tcl) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
EtcdTcl (Etcd API v2 in Tcl) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Evaluation - openacs 1 1
EvaluationPortlet - openacs 1 1
Examples of exporting a stubs API from a Tcl extension, and using it from another extension - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Exercism exercises in Tcl - Exercism - exercism 1 1
Expect (expect (tcl)) - aeruder 1 1
Expect - Don Libes 2 1
Expect - Nils Carlson 1 1
ExpectCvs (A simple cvs2git import of the expect sourceforge CVS repository) - aeruder 1 1
ExpectCvsFastImport - Nils Carlson 1 1
ExpectGitCvsimport (Expect imported using git cvsimport) - Nils Carlson 1 1
ExpectSpec (openSUSE expect spec (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Expenses - openacs 1 1
Experimental OpenACS Packages - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
Experimental TCL expr functions for strings and lists - tcl2020 1 1
Extension to Tcl to let you issue commands to the RCX interactively or compile bytecode programs, download, and run them - BrickBot 1 1
Extensions for the Tcl OO package. - Arthur Schreiber - arthurschreiber 1 1
EzicGateway - openacs 1 1
FA Schema Tools - FlightAware 2 2
FBackup - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
FFidl - PRS 2 2
FFmpegForTcl - @Stephen Huntley 1 1
FPGAedu Tcl Library - FPGAedu - fpgaedu 1 1
FX - Andreas Kupries 3 2
FacebookApi - openacs 1 1
FacebookTcl (personal changes made against the facebooktcl package by Robert Heller (of Deepwoods Software)) - Jeff Lawson 1 1
FamFamFam - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Faq - openacs 1 1
FaqPortlet - openacs 1 1
FeedParser - openacs 1 1
Felta - Stephan Beal 1 1
FfidlSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-ffidl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Fiber provides a coroutine based cooperative multitasking environment for Tcl loosely based on the Erlang process model - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
Fiberbundle (Multicore concurrency for Tcl) - zpconn 1 1
Fickle (flex-like tool, for Tcl/Tk) - Jason Tang 1 1
Fickle - Jason Tang @William Joye 1 1
File Explorer in Tcl/Tk for PC and Android@gh - a513 1 1
FileD - Roy Keene 1 1
FileManager - openacs 1 1
FileStorage - openacs 1 1
FileStorageIncludelet - openacs 1 1
Fileserver - Danilo Chang 1 1
Find files not listed in debian's list of installed files.@gh - bef 1 1
FishTcl (FiSH blowfish IRC encryption script/module for irssi-tcl) - Will Storey 1 1
Flightaware.Github.Com - FlightAware 3 3
Flint - Roy Keene 1 1
Fork of http://nagelfar.sourceforge.net/ - Lewis Russell - lewis6991 1 1
Fork of kbs from Sourceforge - Christian Gollwitzer - auriocus 1 1
Fork of the Tix Tcl/Tk widget set from https://sourceforge.net/p/tix/code - apnadkarni 1 1
Fork of the popular zip manipulation library found in the zlib distribution. - zlib-ng - zlib-ng 1 1
Forums - openacs 1 1
ForumsIncludelet - openacs 1 1
ForumsPortlet - openacs 1 1
Fossil - Customized - Urmil Parikh 1 1
Fossil - Richard Hipp 3 1
FossilCI - Roy Keene 1 1
FpcTcl (FreePascal wrapper for the Tcl C API.) - Mark Janssen 1 1
Fractals in Tcl - Tsoding - tsoding 1 1
Framework for consistent units - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Framework for high time resolution, multi-component coordinated synchronised logging and analysis (debug timing and order-dependent issues in distributed systems that span multiple hosts) - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Free Cross Platform Wine Cellar Software - Brian Griffin - bgriffinfortytwo 1 1
FreeBSD patches for tkpath - Bengt Ahlgren - bahlgren 1 1
Freecolor - Roy Keene 1 1
Freewrap - Dennis LaBelle @Sean Woods 1 1
Fren.tcl (tcl/tk friendica client) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
Front-end for the \"ino\" Arduino build tool (http://inotool.org/) with Geany IDE integration - screwtop - screwtop 1 1
FsDialog - Schelte Bron 1 1
FsPortlet - openacs 1 1
FsWatch - Schelte Bron 1 1
GPGedit - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
GStreamer Tk widget embeds GStreamer pipelines into a Tk widget. - Pat Thoyts - patthoyts 1 1
Game Control Language - Will Duquette - wduquette 1 1
GarTcl - Jan Vlček - h0nza 1 1
Garmin LiveTrack to IRC - David McNett - nugget 1 1
Gatekeeper - openacs 1 1
Gc_class (Metaclass that provides basic garbage collection for instances. It does this by tying the instance lifetime to a variable - when the variable goes out of scope, is unset, or overwritten, the object is automatically destroyed) - RubyLane 1 1
Geb - Gerry @Sean Woods 1 1
GeneralComments - openacs 1 1
Generally useful Tcl procedures - Peter Piwowarski - oldlaptop 1 1
Generate API bindings for Tcl from OpenAPI 2.0 descriptions - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Generation of PDF files from Tcl scripts 1 1
Generic TCP client and server. Useful for testing text based protocols like SMTP or HTTP - Adly Abdullah - slebetman 1 1
Genetic/Evolutionary Algorithms Based on the GAUL library - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
GeodeREST - Danilo Chang 1 1
GeonamesTcl (Tcl package providing a client for querying www.geonames.org) - Will Storey 1 1
Get info in Slack for TCL (Lyon) - Matthis Duclos - matthis-d 1 1
GetDistributionName - Danilo Chang 1 1
Getopt.tcl (getopt implementation of tcl that compat with GNU getopt) - tcler.yin 1 1
Gilgamesh (TextAdventure) - Sean Woods 1 1
GitGui (Tk based UI for Git) - Pat Thoyts 17 17
GithubUpload (command line uploading with Tcl) - zdia 1 1
Gitk (Fork of gitk graphical git repository viewer. The canonical repository is git://ozlabs.org/~paulus/gitk.git) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
Glossar - openacs 1 1
GlossarPortlet - openacs 1 1
Glossary - openacs 1 1
Gnocl (Gtk+ for Tcl) - zdia 1 1
Google Summer Of Code 2008 - @Stephen Huntley 1 1
Google Summer Of Code 2009 - @Stephen Huntley 1 1
Google Summer Of Code 2010 - @Stephen Huntley 1 1
Google Summer Of Code 2011 - @Stephen Huntley 1 1
Gorilla (Password Gorilla manages passwords) - Zbigniew Diaczyszyn 1 1
Gotcl (Exported from code.google.com/p/gotcl) - Braden Napier 1 1
Graphical GNU Go frontend in Tcl/Tk - Michael Fellinger - manveru 1 1
Graphical object oriented programming environment for Tcl, XOTcl, TclOO programming language inspired by famous smalltalk Squeak - Artur - xdobry 1 1
GraphicsMagick, has TclMagick/TkMagick 1 1
GridplusSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for girdplus (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Gub - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
GuessTheNumber - Danilo Chang 1 1
HL7 Addressing Library for TCL - jamerfort 1 1
HTML Templating Engine for TCL and twebserver. - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
HammerDB Database Load Testing and Benchmarking Tool - TPC - Transaction Processing Performance Council - TPC-Council 1 1
Hash - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
HashCache - Roy Keene 1 1
HbaseclientTcl - Danilo Chang 1 1
Health - Andreas Kupries 2 1
Heavily optimized library for DEFLATE/zlib/gzip compression and decompression - Eric Biggers - ebiggers 1 1
Hecl (The Mobile Scripting Language) - David N. Welton 10 10
HeclSite (Hecl Web Site) - David N. Welton 1 1
HereTcl - Colin McCormack 3 2
High performance URI manipulation package for Tcl - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
HolonForth Tk GUI - Wolf Wejgaard - wejgaard 1 1
Horse - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
Htdocker (Automatically push container (transformed?) line output to HTTP receivers) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Htstomp (Automatically forwards HTTP posts to STOMP queues) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Http2mqtt (Forwards POSTed messages to a MQTT broker) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Hv3Pipe (A simple window that renders HTML from pipe.) - Yusuke Yamasaki 1 1
ICU bindings for the Tcl programming language - shawnw 1 1
IRC bot that shows tweets using multiple Nitter instances 1 1
IRC bot which stores messages from the channel and understands hashtags so that later you can search for messages - Kristoffer Lawson - Setok 1 1
IRC logger and Web-based log viewer for #tcl on Freenode 1 1
ISBL - Information Systems Base Language - john roll - jbroll 1 1
ITcl - Michael McLennan 15 14
ITk - Michael McLennan 10 10
IWidgets - Michael McLennan 1 1
IbusArraySpec (openSUSE ibus-array RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Igloo (TclOO Helper Library) - Will Duquette 1 1
ImageMagick - openacs 1 1
Imgscale (Tk extension providing image scaling methods) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
ImgtoolsSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for imgtools (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Implementation of todo.txt in TCL/Tk - Steve Stepp - steppsr 1 1
Implements Tcl channels based on Windows I/O completion ports. - apnadkarni 1 1
Improvements to picol: A TCL like interpreter suitable as an shell in an embedded system - James - howerj 1 1
ImsEnt - openacs 1 1
Imsld - openacs 1 1
Incomplete port of TXLib to Tcl programming language and Tk GUI toolkit - Tim K - timkoi 1 1
InfluxBackup (Periodical or one-shot, raw and CSV) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Infrastructure for play.tcl-lang.org 1 1
IngTcl - An Ingres driver for Tcl - Tomasz Konojacki (xenu) 1 1
IngTcl is Ingres database interface for Tcl language - ingtcl mirror import from https://git01.codeplex.com/ingtcl https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=ingtcl https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/IngTcl - clach04 1 1
Insight Toolkit (ITK) -- Official Repository - Insight Software Consortium - InsightSoftwareConsortium 1 1
Inspect and modify the running state of Tk programs. - Tcl/Tk - tcltk 6 6
InstallNs (Install scripts for Naviserver and/or OpenACS) - Gustaf Neumann 1 1
Installjammer (Multiplatform Installer) - Damon Courtney 18 18
InstallmoduleTcl (Tcl module installer) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Interpreter for TCL language using ANTLR v4 - Programming Languages - ProgLanguages 1 1
InventoryControl - openacs 1 1
Invoices - openacs 1 1
InvoicesPortlet - openacs 1 1
IrssiTcl (Tcl scripting module for Irssi) - Will Storey 1 1
IrssiTclScripts (Collection of Irssi Tcl scripts for the irssi-tcl module) - Will Storey 1 1
Itcl only Itk, Itcl4, 8.6+ - Rene Zaumseil (rzaumseil) 1 1
Iwidgets for Itk4, Itcl4, 8.6+ - Rene Zaumseil (rzaumseil) 1 1
JACL - Moses DeJong @Mark Janssen 1 1
JC's snapshot area - Jean-Claude - jcw 1 1
Jabber - openacs 1 1
Jeemon - Jean-Claude Wippler 1 1
Jeerev - Jean-Claude Wippler 1 1
JimHttp - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
JimTcl - Salvatore Sanfilippo @Steve Bennet 124 124
JimTcl - Salvatore Sanfilippo, Original 1 1
Jimarc4random (Jim interface to arc4random(3)) - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
Jimlib is dbohdan's personal standard library for Jim Tcl 1 1
Jimnop_cmd (Jim no-operation command) - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
Job Board Framework for OpenSeesMP - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
JsminTcl - FlightAware 1 1
Jtcl (Implementation of Tcl written in Java) - jtcl-project 21 21
Jurassic Park fractal in tcl/tk - Jake Shelby - jmshelby 1 1
Just In Time C for Tcl, implementing c-as-a-value compilation and automatic memory management - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
KafkaTcl - FlightAware 2 2
Kdata (Kdata package - generating multilanguage code for binary send/receive of data) - Wojciech Kocjan 1 1
Kettle - Andreas Kupries 3 2
KillerBots - Gerald Lester 1 1
Kinetcl - Andreas Kupries 3 2
KitCreator - Roy Keene 2 1
Kite project automation tool for Tcl/Tk projects - AthenaModel - AthenaModel 1 1
Kitgen (Tclkit build system) - Pat Thoyts 22 22
Komets (Exported from code.google.com/p/komets) - blacksqr 1 1
LExec - Nathan Coulter 1 1
LLVM clang - Multiple 1 1
LLVM compiler-rt - Multiple 1 1
LLVM libcxx - Multiple 1 1
LLVM libcxxabi - Multiple 1 1
LLVM llvm - Multiple 1 1
LLVM openmp - Multiple 1 1
LLVM tests - Multiple 1 1
LLVMTcl - Jos DeCoster 1 1
LPsolveTcl (Tcl package for LPSolve) - ecky-l 1 1
Lamsconf - openacs 1 1
Lamsint - openacs 1 1
LanguageTcl (Syntax highlighting in atom.io for Tcl.) - zpconn 1 1
LarsBlogger - openacs 1 1
Latest - openacs 1 1
LatestPortlet - openacs 1 1
LaunchApplication - Gerald Lester 1 1
LayoutManagedSubsite - openacs 1 1
Lazy sequences (generators, coroutines) 1 1
Leaderboard generator to show student progress on assessments and classroom participation - Barry Arthur 1 1
LearningContent - openacs 1 1
LibMarpa - Jeffrey Kegler 12 12
LibcassandraSpec (openSUSE cassandra-cpp-driver RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Libpng (LIBPNG: Portable Network Graphics support, official libpng repository) - glennrp 2 2
LibrocksdbSpec (openSUSE RocksDB shared library RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Libtommath (Free open source portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library written entirely in C) - libtom 184 184
LibwebsocketsBovine (Fork of libwebsockets C library, FreeBSD portability fixes) - Jeff Lawson 1 1
Libyaml (Canonical source repository for LibYAML) 1 1
Light weight Arduino interface - Scott Beasley - jscottb 1 1
Like awk, but using tcl as the scripting language. - shawnw 1 1
Linenoise - Salvatore Sanfilippo 1 1
LinenoiseTcl - Andreas Kupries 4 4
LinenoiseUtils - Andreas Kupries 1 1
Linklist3 () - Yusuke Yamasaki 1 1
Liquid (markup language) implemented in C++ (+ Tcl binding) - TwentyThree - 23 1 1
ListTools.tcl - crshults 1 1
Listdatasources (A simple program to list ODBC Data Sources by Tcl/Tk) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Listodbcsources (A simple program to list ODBC data sources by Tcl/Gnocl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Logger - openacs 1 1
Logging framework for Tcl - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Logpile - Stephen Huntley 1 1
Lors - openacs 1 1
LorsCentral - openacs 1 1
Lorsm - openacs 1 1
LorsmPortlet - openacs 1 1
Lspace - Andreas Kupries 1 1
LttngTcl - FlightAware 1 1
MCListbox - Bryan Oakley 10 10
MCU - Microcontroller Units: Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico + Teensy - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
MMTk (Multi-Media Toolkit For Tcl/Tk) - ? @Sean Woods 1 1
MPC Client Interface for Tcl - cannable 1 1
MPExpr - Tom Poindexter @Roy Keene 1 1
MQTT - Schelte Bron 1 1
MRTools - Andrew Mangogna 2 1
Machinery (Control entire docker-machine clusters from the cli) - Emmanuel Frecon 11 11
Made by Alex Baker - Alex Baker - ambaker1 0 0
Maestro_Tcl (a naive sensory motor inference engine.) - legitstack 1 1
MailTracking - openacs 1 1
Markdown.doctools (Markdown formatting engine for Tcl Doctools) - Jim 1 1
Markdownviewer (A simple Markdown viewer written by Tcl/Tk) - Danilo Chang 1 1
MarpaR2 (Parse any language you can describe in BNF -- Release 4, STABLE) - Jeffrey Kegler 26 26
MarpaTcl - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Mars Simulation Support LIbrary - AthenaModel - AthenaModel 1 1
Mars Simulation Support LIbrary, Mars 2.x and prior - AthenaModel - AthenaModel 1 1
MathemaTcl is a collection of compiled extensions for Tcl, each intended to solve a particular numerical problem - Arjen Markus (arjen) 1 1
MatzSF (midi player based on TinySoundFont as tcl package) - kmatze 1 1
Mavrig - Jean-Claude Wippler 1 1
Mdsplib - FlightAware 17 17
Meb - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
MemcachedForTcl (memcached client library for Tcl based applications) - Jeff Lawson 1 1
MemcachedForTclRpmSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for memcached-for-Tcl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Meminfo - Danilo Chang 1 1
Messages - openacs 1 1
Metakit (Metakit is an efficient embedded database library with a small footprint) - Jim Northrup 35 35
Metakit - Jean-Claude Wippler 1 1
Metakit is an efficient embedded database library with a small footprint - Tcl/Tk - tcltk 2 2
Micro TCL on Golang - Lain-dono - lain-dono 1 1
MikroConf - CLI admin for Linux-based embedded systems - Extensible in Tcl - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
MiniTcl (A minimal Tcl for docker) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Minimally extending the TclOO object system to provide more natural object variables - Eckhard Lehmann - ecky-l 1 1
Mirror Management - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Mirror of TclPro - Sean Zhang - noyesno 1 1
Mirror of Visualization Toolkit repository - Kitware, Inc. - Kitware 1 1
Mirror of aktive @ core.tcl.tk/akupries -- image processing, code generation experiment - Andreas Kupries - andreas-kupries 1 1
MiscScripts (Collection of CLI scripts) - Will Storey 1 1
Miscellaneous TCL code - Jeremy Cowgar - jcowgar 1 1
Miscellaneous files to go with the tablet app source - DecentEspresso - decentespresso 1 1
Mk4tclSpec (openSUSE Metakit for Tcl extension (Mk4tcl) RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Mmplayer - openacs 1 1
Modified selenium-tcl package for usage of the W3C WebDriver (primarily for aims to perform web automation via tcl scripting Firefox version 53 and greater) - Ru Uba - SavSanta 1 1
Module that automagically gives an app a command line interface. https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/48940 - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
Modules (Various utilities for use in other projects.) - Peter Lewerin 1 1
MonetdbSpec (openSUSE MonetDB RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
MongoTcl - FlightAware 3 3
Monitor, SNMP 1 1
Monitoring - openacs 1 1
MpexprSpec (openSUSE mpexpr RPM spec (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Mqtt (MQTT client in Tcl) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Mqtt2any (Route MQTT subscriptions into generic implementations) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
MsgPthreads (Exported from code.google.com/p/msg-pthreads) - blacksqr 1 1
Msgpack (Pure Tcl implementation of MessagePack object serialization {(msgpack.org[Tcl])}) - Jos Decoster 1 1
Multi-platform (Unix, Windows) C++ header-only linenoise-based readline library - apnadkarni 1 1
Multi-platform desktop Forth based on Tcl/Tk - Wolf Wejgaard - wejgaard 1 1
MulticastScanner (Exported from code.google.com/p/multicast-scanner) - blacksqr 1 1
MuninPluginsNs (Munin Plugins for NaviServer) - Gustaf Neumann 1 1
Mustache.Tcl - Jan Kandziora 14 14
MvTHImage (Multipurpose Versatile Test Harness - Basic Computer Vision and Image Plotting Library and associated Tcl package.) - Sam Bromley 1 1
My Cloverleaf Commandline Utilities - jamerfort 1 1
My fork of tile-gtk. - Qi Xiao - xiaq 1 1
Mysqltcl allows to connect Mysql-Database from Tcl scripting language. - Artur - xdobry 1 1
NATS client library for Tcl applications - Petro - Kazmirchuk 1 1
NSF - Gustaf Neumann 3 3
NSOS - Nathan Coulter 1 1
NaCl - Networking and Cryptography library (pronounced "salt") / clone of my fosssil repository 1 1
NaCl - Networking and Cryptography library (pronounced salt) - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
Nagelfar (Fork of nagelfar project for fixing issues with new TCL8.5 syntax) - euoia 16 16
Nagelfar is a static syntax checker for Tcl 1 1
Name generator for Tcl - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Named parameter for Tcl, written in Tcl - tcl2020 1 1
Naviserver (Tcl Web Server) 1 1
Naviserver - Multiple @Sean Woods 1 1
Naviserver DNS Proxy 1 1
Naviserver Database Interface 1 1
Naviserver LDAP Client 1 1
Naviserver Lets Encrypt Manager 1 1
Naviserver Loop Statistics and Control for Serverside Tcl 1 1
Naviserver NDBI FreeTDS Driver 1 1
Naviserver NSDB MySQL Driver 1 1
Naviserver NSDB Postgres Driver 1 1
Naviserver NSDB Postgress Driver 1 1
Naviserver NSDB Sqlite Driver 1 1
Naviserver OCaml Server-side 1 1
Naviserver Oracle Driver 1 1
Naviserver Reverse Proxy 1 1
Naviserver SMTPd Proxy 1 1
Naviserver Share Commands (Deprecated AOLserver support) 1 1
Naviserver Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism (ported from AOLserver) 1 1
Naviserver Statistics Module 1 1
Naviserver Syslog Module 1 1
Naviserver TFTP server 1 1
Naviserver VFS Module 1 1
Naviserver Web Push Interface 1 1
Naviserver WebSocket Plugin 1 1
NaviserverMarkdown (Add tclllib markdown support to NaviServer) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_nsconfSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer nsconf module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_nsdbiSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer nsdbi module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_nsdbiliteSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer nsdbilite module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_nsdbimySpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer nsdbimy module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_nsdbipgSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer nsdbipg module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_nsstatsSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer nsstats module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_revproxySpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer revproxy module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverMod_websocketSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer websocket module) - Danilo Chang 1 1
NaviserverSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for NaviServer) - Danilo Chang 2 2
Netbeans Support for Tcl - Michal Poczwardowski @Arnulf Wiedemann - GSoC 2011 1 1
New Atlantis PBEM GUI - Mochnant 1 1
New Atlantis PBEM GUI - nedbrek 1 1
NewPortal - openacs 1 1
News - openacs 1 1
NewsAggregator - openacs 1 1
NewsAggregatorPortlet - openacs 1 1
NewsIncludelet - openacs 1 1
NewsPortlet - openacs 1 1
Nikit (Wiki based on nginx + SCGI) - Steve Havelka 1 1
NoTcl (simple, cross-platform text editor in tcl/tk) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
Node.JS Tcl binding - nuked.zone - nukedzn 1 1
Nodetcl (Node.JS extension to allow Tcl code to be invoked from JavaScript) - Jeff Lawson 1 1
Notebook (Notebook Personal Wiki) - Will Duquette 1 1
Notepad.tcl (Tk based clone of notepad with Unix or Windows line ending detection and byte-order-mark (BOM) handling.) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
Notes - openacs 1 1
Nscgi (Tcl class to manipulate CGI/SCGI/FCGI values.) - Jos Decoster 1 1
NsfSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Tcl Next Scripting Framework (NSF)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Numeric array and linear algebra extension for Tcl 9 - Brian Griffin - bgriffinfortytwo 1 1
OClib for Tcl. A collection of Tcl extensions. - Sam O'Connor - samoconnor 1 1
ODIE (Open Design and Integration Environment) - Sean Woods 2 2
ODMon (OneDrive setup and monitoring) - Georg Lehner 1 1
ODataTclOO - Gerald Lester 1 1
OPC/UA for the topcua binding 1 1
OacsDav - openacs 1 1
Object oriented module for TCL script programming language. XOTcl-Light is pure Tcl XOTcl compatible build on top of TclOO. It allows to run XOTcl program directly with Tcl 8.6 without binary XOTcl library. - Artur - xdobry 1 1
Object-Oriented Incremental Dynamic Analysis - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Object-relational mapper (ORM) for Tcl and TclOO. - Rene Hartmann - rehartmann 1 1
OctElection - openacs 1 1
Odielib - Sean Woods 1 1
Opbeat API implementation for Tcl - TwentyThree - 23 1 1
Open System Earthquake Engineering Simulation - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Open System Earthquake Engineering Simulation - OpenSees - OpenSees 1 1
Open System Earthquake Engineering Simulation Documentation - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Open System Earthquake Engineering Simulation Documentation - OpenSees - OpenSees 1 1
OpenACSCore (OpenACS core packages) - OpenACS 1 1
OpenSSL (TLS/SSL and crypto library) - OpenSSL 1 1
OpenSees example scripts (Tcl) - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
OpenShowManagement - Gerald Lester 1 1
OpenacsBootstrap3Theme - openacs 1 1
OpenftsDriver - openacs 1 1
Optcl (COM and OLE support for Tcl and Tk) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
Orcad Tcl Example - z-Wind 1 1
Organizations - openacs 1 1
OrnamentTcl (Tcl template module) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
PSD files to go alongside the main app source - DecentEspresso - decentespresso 1 1
PTJD - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
PaceCalculator (runner's pace and calorie calculator) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
Package tclpkcs11 for tokens PKCS11 - a513 1 1
Page - openacs 1 1
Pages - openacs 1 1
ParTcl (ParTcl - a micro Tcl implementation) - Serge Zaitsev 50 50
ParseTools - Andreas Kupries 3 2
Parse_args (A fast argument parser based on the patterns established by core Tcl commands like [lsort], [lsearch], [glob], [regex], etc.) - RubyLane 1 1
ParseargsSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for parseargs (tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Partitions (Tcl program to simulate partitions between physical hosts) - Salvatore Sanfilippo 1 1
Patches for 3rd party applications to enable compiling against zlib-ng in native mode. - zlib-ng - zlib-ng 1 1
Path - Andreas Kupries 2 2
PaymentGateway - openacs 1 1
Pdf4tclSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for pdf4tcl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
PdfMailMerge - Gerald Lester 1 1
PgTcl - ? @FlightAware 10 10
PgintclSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for pgintcl (tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
PgtclSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Pgtcl (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
PhotoAlbum - openacs 1 1
PhotoResize - Christian Gollwitzer 1 1
PhotoresizeSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for PhotoResize (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
PiAware - FlightAware 68 68
PiAware Builder - FlightAware 22 22
PiAware Support - FlightAware 5 5
PiAware Web - FlightAware 6 6
PiIO - Schelte Bron 1 1
Picol/dbohdan - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 2 2
Pikchr Command-Line Driver - Michael Thornburgh - zenomt 1 1
Pikchr is a PIC-like markup language for diagrams in technical documentation. 1 1
PipeThread - Roy Keene 1 1
Pixel - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
Pltcl - Jim Nasby 2 2
Pltcl94 - FlightAware 1 1
Pltcl96 - FlightAware 1 1
Plumage - Stephen Huntley 1 1
Pmt (pngcrush and other PNG and MNG tools) - glennrp 1 1
Poll - openacs 1 1
Poller.tcl - crshults 1 1
Poor Man's GUI - Arjen Markus (arjen) 1 1
PorTcl (helps one create Erlang ports based on Tcl scripts) - Fred Youhanaie 1 1
Port of FPDF 1.7 (PHP) by Olivier Plathey to TCL - lamuzzachiodi 1 1
Portable MPI for OpenSees - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
PortableNSD - Stephen Huntley 1 1
Posix NSS/database interface - /etc/passwd, /etc/services, etc. - shawnw 1 1
PostalAddress - openacs 1 1
Prismap (Extrude polygon shapefiles using OpenSCAD to create 3D "prism maps". Very much a work in progress.) - Jim 1 1
Probably the slowest and most verbose FLAC decoder in the world - Mattias Wadman - wader 1 1
ProjectManager - openacs 1 1
ProjectManagerPortlet - openacs 1 1
Pseudofs (Tcl interface to procfs and sysfs) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Pseudorandom number and sequence utilities - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Psplay (A very simple Tcl script to play music) - Danilo Chang 1 1
PtyTcl (A Tcl package to handle pseudo TTYs) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Pure TCL GIF generator - Salvatore Sanfilippo - antirez 1 1
Pure Tcl Console Text Editor - Adly Abdullah - slebetman 1 1
Pure Tcl Prometheus Client Library - FlightAware - flightaware 2 2
Pure Tcl clone of Eggdrop - Tcldrop - Tcldrop 1 1
Pure Tcl implementation of base64url encoding and decoding - Neil Madden - NeilMadden 1 1
Pure Tcl script implementation of the PostgreSQL version 3.0 protocol - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Pyman - Gerald Lester 1 1
Python Module Manager for Tcl 1 1
Qcode Tcl Lib - Qcode Software Limited - qcode-software 1 1
Qdsh = Tcl + Critbit + Regex + SSL + JSON + Cursor + Parse + PDF + LRU + POSIX + Fluid + Packed + Defcmd + Memo + ByteOp + Hash + Damt 1 1
Qmon - Uncomplicated monitoring for small environments - bef 1 1
Quick and dirty Tk UI for OpenBSD wg(4) configuration - Peter Piwowarski - oldlaptop 1 1
QuotaPortlet - openacs 1 1
RADIUS client library written in pure Tcl - Oleg Derevenetz - oleg-derevenetz 1 1
RBC - ? @ A. P. Nadkarni 1 1
RBC - ? @ Josp70 1 1
RBC - Refactored BLT components ? @Rene Zaumseil 1 1
README.md 1 1
RSS and NNTP newsreader - nedbrek 1 1
RTcl - Matt Adams 1 1
Racing game on a Tcl canvas - nedbrek 1 1
Ramdebugger (Mirror of http://www2.compassis.com/c/ramdebugger/) - level44 1 1
Random things I'll make in Tcl/Tk for fun - PM - dusthillresident 1 1
Random-play for mpd - Peter Piwowarski - oldlaptop 1 1
RandomPhotoPortlet - openacs 1 1
RapidshareDownloader (GUI and CLI versions of RapidShare download application. Uses Tk for GUI) - Will Storey 1 1
RbcSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for RBC toolkit (Tcl/TK package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Recidiv (Minimal continuous integration framework in Tcl (used for Redis CI)) - Salvatore Sanfilippo 1 1
Redirect - openacs 1 1
RefCurrency - openacs 1 1
RefItu - openacs 1 1
RefUnspsc - openacs 1 1
Regex Rez - Danilo Chang 1 1
RegexMaster - Stephen Huntley 1 1
RegexPlanet's Tcl backend - RegexPlanet - regexplanet 1 1
Rejuvenation of tcl-nap - Jose Ignacio Marin Alberdi - jima 1 1
Remote tcl scripting over ssh - Kobayasi, Hiroaki - hkoba 1 1
Renders a Tk GUI based on a resource specification - Kristoffer Lawson - Setok 1 1
ReportX - Nagarajan Chinnasamy 1 1
Retcl (Tcl client library for Redis) - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
Revive Websh Tcl - For Web and more - Sean Zhang - noyesno 1 1
RichtextCkeditor4 - openacs 1 1
RichtextTinymce - openacs 1 1
RichtextXinha - openacs 1 1
RivetCGI - Roy Keene 1 1
RivetEnv - Danilo Chang 1 1
RivetMarkdown (Add tclllib markdown support to Apache HTTP Server (using Apache Rivet)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
RlBraintree - RubyLane 1 1
Rl_http (A REST-capable, never-blocking HTTP client package that supports HTTPS, deflate, chunked encoding for Tcl, NaviServer or AOLserver) - RubyLane 1 1
Rl_json (Extends Tcl with a json value type and a command to manipulate json values directly. Similar in spirit to how the dict command manipulates dictionary values, and comparable in speed) - RubyLane 13 13
RljsonSpec (openSUSE rljson RPM spec (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Rltest (A minimal unit test framework for AOLserver / NaviServer / Tcl heavily inspired by tcltest, including command and method stub support and assertions for HTML and JSON documents) - RubyLane 1 1
RobotDetection - openacs 1 1
Rosalind site problems in tcl. - john roll - jbroll 1 1
RssSupport - openacs 1 1
Run - Alexander Danilov 1 1
RunAndroid (Launcher for android emulator with different images) - Alexander Danilov 1 1
Rustcl (Rust binding for writing stubs enabled Tcl extensions) - Mark Janssen 1 1
S5 - openacs 1 1
SDLandTk_Demo (Demonstration of How to Embed an SDL Surface in a Tk Window) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
SDX - Jean-Claude Wippler @Aspect 1 1
SHA hashes. SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA-512/256, SHA-512/224, SHA-256, SHA-224 - Brad Lanam 1 1
SNMP Tools. Based on the NetSNMP library - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
SQLite Shell written in Jim TCL - Jessica Kathleen McIntosh - JessicaKMcIntosh 1 1
SRMlite (Lightweight Storage Resource Management (SRM) interface) - Pavel Demin 1 1
SSEM emulator written in Tcl - sreguera 1 1
Sage - Donal Fellows 1 1
SampleExtension (Deprecated) - Multiple 7 7
SampleExtension - Multiple 8 8
SampleGateway - openacs 1 1
SampleToadkit - Sean Woods 1 1
Scans tcl for command injection - Aidan Hobson Sayers - aidanhs 1 1
SchemaBrowser - openacs 1 1
ScholarshipFund - openacs 1 1
Schrödinger's Tcl - aidanhs 1 1
ScintillaTk - ? @Sean Woods 1 1
ScormCore - openacs 1 1
ScormPlayer - openacs 1 1
Scotty (SNMP 4 Tcl) - Juergen Schoenwaelder @FlightAware 18 18
Script to read and restore bluetooth, wlan, and wwan rfkill settings when running Linux on a ThinkPad - Matthias Kraft - makr 1 1
Scripted systems admin for Debian Linux. - Qcode Software Limited - qcode-software 1 1
Self (Self extension for Tcl) - Mark Janssen 1 1
SelfUpdatingClient - Gerald Lester 1 1
SerialPort.tcl - crshults 1 1
Server.tcl - crshults 1 1
Service orchestration framework core using m2 - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
ServiceLocationProvider.tcl - crshults 1 1
ServiceLocator.tcl - crshults 1 1
ShapeTcl (Simple shapefile access for Tcl.) - Jim 1 1
Shaped window extension for Tcl/Tk - Donal Fellows - dkfellows 1 1
Sherpa - Sean Woods 1 1
ShippingGateway - openacs 1 1
ShodanTcl (Tcl library for Shodan) - level44 1 1
Shout - Schelte Bron 1 1
Sign or add co-sign DOCSIS 3.0/3.1 image - jianiau 1 1
SignalR client implementation for Tcl - Eckhard Lehmann - ecky-l 1 1
Simple CLI SSH Connection Manager - cannable 1 1
Simple Jam-based build system as an autosetup plugin - Steve Bennett - msteveb 1 1
Simple OpenSees Installer - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Simple TCL Debugger - Lorance Stinson - LStinson 1 1
Simple implementation of Map Reduce in Tcl - Jade Rubick - jadeforrest 1 1
Simple particle simulation in ascii art. - Yuji Sode - YujiSODE 1 1
Simple redirect pages generation tool. - Rover the Cat - RoverAMD 1 1
Simple session middleware for twebserver. - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
Simple templating in TCL - Tyler Evans - tyevans 1 1
Simple(ish) launcher written in Tcl - cannable 1 1
SimpleSurvey - openacs 1 1
SimpleTclMQ (simple version of a messaging system in tcl using sockets.) - Jordan Miller 1 1
SimpletaskAndroid - Mark Janssen 1 1
Simulation - openacs 1 1
Sinatra-like micro web framework for Tcl - Tim K - timkoi 1 1
Small TCL binary diff tool - Emmanuel V. - guzu 1 1
Small demo AbstractList type examples. - Brian Griffin - bgriffinfortytwo 1 1
Small library to connect to a matt broker. Very, very basic. - Mark Lawson - Tingenek 1 1
Small tool to benchmark zlib-ng - zlib-ng - zlib-ng 1 1
Small tool to generate nginx's conf files (and possibly others) - Kobayasi, Hiroaki - hkoba 1 1
Small-footprint Tcl interpreter forked from Tcl 6.7 - haxlang 1 1
Snit3 (Snit successor in TclOO) - ecky-l 1 1
Snodbc (Fork of Tcl snodbc, much faster system for accessing data) - David N. Welton 1 1
Snot - Aspect 1 1
SoapDb - openacs 1 1
SoapGateway - openacs 1 1
SocketServerTcl - FlightAware 3 3
Sockopt - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
Socks5 4 Tcl - Blair Kitchen 1 1
Solr4Tcl - Danilo Chang 1 1
Some quick-n-dirty utilities for manipulating CNC G-Code. - screwtop - screwtop 1 1
Spam - openacs 1 1
Spectcl (nuspec creator) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
Speedbag - FlightAware 1 1
SpeedtableTools - FlightAware 1 1
Speedtables - FlightAware 15 15
Spindle - Kristoffer Lawson 1 1
SpotOConf - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
Sqawk - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 15 15
Sqlite - Richard Hipp 1 1
Sqlite Documentation - Richard Hipp 1 1
Sqlite4 Experiment (Closed) - Richard Hipp 1 1
Stack a TLS protocol driver on any Tcl channel that supports read and write, using the s2n TLS implementation - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
State Oriented Programming - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
StaticPages - openacs 1 1
StaticPortlet - openacs 1 1
Storm - Kristoffer Lawson 1 1
StreamTcl (Stream module for Tcl) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Struct - Andreas Kupries 3 2
StructuredTextTools - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 253 253
Survey - openacs 1 1
SurveyLibrary - openacs 1 1
SurveyReports - openacs 1 1
SvnEggdrop (SVN push scripts for announcing on IRC via eggdrop) - Will Storey 1 1
Swank (Tk compatible GUI widgets for JTcl) - jtcl-project 1 1
SwapSpaces (Swap virtual desktops) - David N. Welton 1 1
SwiftSpeedtables - FlightAware 2 2
SwiftTcl - FlightAware 4 4
SwiftTcl8.6 - FlightAware 2 2
SwiftTclDemo - FlightAware 1 1
SwiftTclExtensionDemo - FlightAware 1 1
Symbolic differentation of algebraic expressions with Python and Tcl interfaces - devsim 1 1
Syslogbox - FlightAware 2 2
SystemInformation.tcl - crshults 1 1
T2WS - Tiny Tcl Web Server - Andreas Drollinger - Drolla 1 1
TAOlib - Sean Woods 1 1
TArray - Experimental package implementing typed arrays - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
TArray - Mark Janssen 1 1
TCL & VHDL Playground for Microsemi Libero SoC - Anton Mause - AntonMause 1 1
TCL Eggdrop Tools - dono - valendono 21 21
TCL Language Support for Visual Studio Code - Jeff Lawson - bovine 1 1
TCL Logger - Cyril - cyrilthomas 1 1
TCL Web Server (HTTP & HTTPS) Extension - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL bindings for ggml, a tensor library for machine learning. - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL coded Modular IRC bot - Cameron Stephen - Cajs 1 1
TCL module for K-Sortable Unique Identifiers (KSUIDs). - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL module for bcrypt, a password-hashing function. - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL module for the snappy google library, a fast compressor / decompressor. - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL versions of the programs from David Beazley's A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency talk.@gh - shawnw 1 1
TCL/C extension for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using TOTP and HOTP - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL/C extension for computing BERT vector embeddings - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL/C extension for generating QR codes as SVG images - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL/C extension for parsing, manipulating, and querying JSON - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
TCL/TK for Nexss PROGRAMMER 2.0 - nexssp 1 1
TDBC 12 12
TDBC Driver for Oratcl 4.5 Database Connector - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
TDBC Mysql 11 10
TDBC Postgres 9 9
TDBC Sqlite3 9 9
TDBC driver for ORATCL connector - Jörg Mehring - joergmehring 1 1
TDK - Tcl Development Kit - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
TEA (Tcl Extension Architecture) for pure Tcl packages / clone of my fosssil repository - ALX - aschoepe 1 1
TEAParty - Roy Keene 2 1
THC - Tight Home Control (version 1) - Andreas Drollinger - Drolla 1 1
THC - Tight Home Control (version 2) - Andreas Drollinger - Drolla 1 1
TIL (The Tcl ICE Library) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
TIP Migration - Mark Janssen 1 1
TIPs - Multiple 1 1
TKE - Trevor Williams 1 1
TLS - Multiple 4 2
TLoona - Ecky-L 1 1
TON - Georg Lehner 1 1
TSP (Tcl Static Prime) - Tom Poindexter 1 1
TSP - FlightAware 1 1
TSP Examples - FlightAware 1 1
TSVCutC - FlightAware 2 2
TSVcut (cut out specific fields from a TSV (tab separated values) file containing alternating key-value pairs) - Jeff Lawson 1 1
TURTLES (Tcl Universal Recursive Trace Log Execution Scrutinizer) - FlightAware - flightaware 1 1
TWAPI - High level bindings to Windows APIs - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
TablelistSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tablelist (Tcl/TK package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Taccle (bison-like utility, for Tcl/Tk) - Jason Tang 1 1
Taccle - Jason Tang @William Joye 1 1
Talk to cats in their native language (obviously, this program is for entertainment purposes only) - Rover the Cat - RoverAMD 1 1
Tanzer - Xantronix 5 5
Tarballia - Hosting unofficial release tarballs of software projects that don't provide release tarballs reliably or automatically. 1 1
Tarcel (Tcl packaging tool) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Tasks - openacs 1 1
Tbuild - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
TcWinPCAP (Tcl binding to WinPCAP) - Mark Janssen 1 1
Tcc4Tcl - Roy Keene 2 2
Tcl (TCL Language Support for Visual Studio Code) - Richard Ashwell 1 1
Tcl (The old Tcl CVS on SourceForge) - Daniel A. Steffen 1 1
Tcl (Wrapper for Tcl) - NIM Language 1 1
Tcl - Sebres Clock Work, TCT, Multiple 8 8
Tcl - TCT, Multiple 190 190
Tcl 8.5 dict backport to 8.4 - Jan Vlček - h0nza 1 1
Tcl Artificial Neural Networks. Based on the FANN library - Alexandros Stergiakis 1 1
Tcl Bindings for Houdini - Arthur Schreiber - arthurschreiber 1 1
Tcl Continued Fraction Arithmetic 1 1
Tcl Data Analysis (Tda) - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Tcl Experiments - Ste Carlson - carlsons 1 1
Tcl Extension/Extensible Virtual Filesystem - XVFS is a Tcl_Filesystem driver - rkeene -Roy Keene 1 1
Tcl IRC client@gh - nedbrek 1 1
Tcl Language Server Protocol - Duff - Dufgui 1 1
Tcl Library and Applications for the Yate Telephony Engine - bef 1 1
Tcl List Tools - Alex Baker - ambaker1 0 0
Tcl Logo Proposals - Barry Arthur 1 1
Tcl N-Dimensional Lists - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Tcl Plugin for Yard - Arthur Schreiber - arthurschreiber 1 1
Tcl Scott Adams text adventure player - Scott Beasley - jscottb 1 1
Tcl Scripts supporting rapid development of C++ code - nedbrek 1 1
Tcl Stuff - Stefan K 1 1
Tcl Table Objects - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Tcl Telnet - bmcool 1 1
Tcl Textile - Blair Kitchen 1 1
Tcl Windows API extension - apnadkarni 1 1
Tcl automated build system -- system for automatic build of Tcl based starkits/starpacks and eTcl archives. - Greyson Christoforo - greyltc 1 1
Tcl bindings for Cucumber - Cucumber - cucumber 1 1
Tcl bindings for Implot - nico-robert 1 1
Tcl bindings for PAPI - nedbrek 1 1
Tcl bindings for SDL - nedbrek 1 1
Tcl bindings for Tink, a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse. - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
Tcl bindings for libharu - apnadkarni 1 1
Tcl bindings for libharu - nico-robert 1 1
Tcl bindings for the SWORD Bible Project@gh - nedbrek 1 1
Tcl bindings for the libgit2 library - apnadkarni 1 1
Tcl code by Aldo Buratti - tclMuPdf, pixmix, Blend2D, WinGDI, Glyphs, Bezier, tcllib extra, ocr.space, wscope, extrafont, MuPdfWidget, tclJBlend, ... 1 1
Tcl compiled with emscripten - aidanhs 1 1
Tcl debugging tools - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Tcl dynamic debugger - Andrew Priddle-Higson - andrewgph 1 1
Tcl extension for OpenCL - Danilo Chang - ray2501 1 1
Tcl extension for OpenCV library - Danilo Chang - ray2501 1 1
Tcl extension module for Perl - Gisle Aas - gisle 1 1
Tcl files that I use every day. - john roll - jbroll 1 1
Tcl implementation of a SenSML parser (for JSON) and a SenML wrapper - Emmanuel Frecon - efrecon 1 1
Tcl implementation of the TemplateToolkit (http://template-toolkit.org/) - Jos DeCoster - jdc 1 1
Tcl interface to 1-wire Linux kernel slaves modules - Emmanuel Frecon - efrecon 1 1
Tcl interface to Cephes Numerics library - Arjen Markus (arjen) 1 1
Tcl kernel for Jupyter - Mark Janssen - mpcjanssen 1 1
Tcl language binding for libclang (WIP) - Taketsuru11 - Taketsuru 1 1
Tcl library for ESC/POS compatible receipt printers - bef 1 1
Tcl library for Golang style concurrency based on Communicating Sequential Processes - SecurityKISS - securitykiss-com 1 1
Tcl library for OAuth WRAP 0.9 token handling and validation - johnny.halife - johnnyhalife 1 1
Tcl library for parsing Creole-formatted text. - Tim K - timkoi 1 1
Tcl library for redis access - bradvoth 1 1
Tcl library that handles user authorization and registration. Uses TDBC to access the database. - Rover the Cat - RoverAMD 1 1
Tcl module for programmatically building Google Forms by producing Google Apps Script to build the form - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Tcl module to talk to the Docker Engine API, generated from the OpenAPI description - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Tcl package for parsing and manipulating IPv6 addresses - ch32n 1 1
Tcl package for querying DNS SRV RR records - David McNett - nugget 1 1
Tcl package implementing a complete relational algebra - Andrew Mangogna 1 1
Tcl package manager - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Tcl package to receive filesystem events from the Linux kernel - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Tcl packages and Tk widgets - mittelmark - Detlef Groth 1 1
Tcl parser for the eno notation language - bef 1 1
Tcl wrapper for Apache ECharts - nico-robert 1 1
Tcl wrapper for the libtomcrypt library (partial) - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
Tcl wrappers for RvFun (Functional model for RISC-V) - nedbrek 1 1
Tcl-VIX - Control VMware virtual machines via the VMware VIX COM interfaces 1 1
Tcl.GD - FlightAware 6 6
Tcl.Mqttc - Danilo Chang 3 3
Tcl.Snappy - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tcl.js - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
Tcl/CGI wrapper around espeak-ng - Rover the Cat - RoverAMD 1 1
Tcl/Tk Fontmap generator - Benjamin Kowarsch - trijezdci 1 1
Tcl/Tk Go bindings - nsf 22 22
Tcl/Tk package for atom.io - bef 1 1
Tcl/Tk package of tooltip and balloon - Alex Plotnikov - aplsimple 2 2
Tcl1 - Alexander Danilov 1 1
Tcl3dSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Tcl3D) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tcl86NsisInstaller (Build a Windows installer for Tcl with NSIS) - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
TclAPNS - FlightAware 2 2
TclApplication - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclApps - Multiple 9 9
TclArc4Random - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
TclArchive - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclArgv (Convenient C-side Command Option Parser for Tcl) - Sam Bromley 1 1
TclAugeas - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
TclAugeasSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-augeas (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclBDD - Kevin Kenny 2 1
TclBSD - FlightAware 4 4
TclBearSSL - Neil Madden 1 1
TclBench (Deprecated) - Multiple 7 7
TclBench - Multiple 12 12
TclBench FA - FlightAware 1 1
TclBin (Tcl binaries) - Sergey G. Brester 1 1
TclBitcoin (Bitcoin-related stuff using Tcl(/Tk)) - Andreas Leitgeb 1 1
TclBlend - Moses DeJong @Danilo Chang 1 1
TclBounties - FlightAware 7 7
TclBrotli (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-brotli) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclCaca (Tcl bindings for Colour ASCII Art library (libcaca)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclCairo (Tcl bindings for Cairo library) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclChain (this is my attempt of adding in the pipe operator like from erlang or whatever) - legitstack 1 1
TclClockMod - FlightAware 2 2
TclCloud (Tcl package enabling access to the Amazon AWS webservice api) - cloudsidekick 1 1
TclCloudFlare - Gerald Lester 1 1
TclCluster (Tcl Cluster Comm Package) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclCmakeSample - Sean Woods 1 1
TclCmark (Tcl bindings to the cmark-gfm GitHub Flavoured CommonMark/Markdown library) - apnadkarni 1 1
TclCmarkSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-cmark) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclConfig - Multiple 13 13
TclConnectedThread - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclCorePkgs - Sean Woods 1 1
TclCoreXXX (Unofficial Tcl core GIT repository.) - ActiveState 1 1
TclCrimpSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Tcl CRIMP) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclCspSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-csp) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclCurl (Tcl API to Curl) - Jos Decoster 1 1
TclCurl FA - FlightAware 9 9
TclCurses - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclCwiid - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
TclDAV (DAV library for Tcl - Cloned from https://code.ptrcrt.ch/tcl-dav/) - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
TclDatabaseAccess - Nagarajan Chinnasamy 1 1
TclDatabaseObject - Nagarajan Chinnasamy 1 1
TclDbifSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-dbif) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclDbusSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for DBus-Tcl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclDevKit - ActiveState 28 28
TclDiffutiltclSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-DiffUtilTcl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclDocs (Utility to generate Markdown-style documentation links for Tcl/Tk from source code.) - Peter Lewerin 1 1
TclDoctoolsForBBEdit (Language module and preview filter for writing Doctools markup in BBEdit.) - Jim 1 1
TclDuktape - D. Bohdan (dbohdan) 1 1
TclDuktapeSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-duktape) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclEts - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclExtensions - Aspect 1 1
TclFCGI (Tcl FastCGI wrapper) - Jos Decoster 1 1
TclFCGI - Nagarajan Chinnasamy 1 1
TclFLTK - Tcl binding for the Fast Light Tool Kit portable GUI development environment 1 1
TclFTD2xx (Tcl API to FTDI D2XX USB device library) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
TclFastCGI - Sean Woods 1 1
TclFogbugzApi - FlightAware 2 2
TclFontBdf - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclForFreshBooks - Gerald Lester 1 1
TclForPi - Gerald Lester 1 1
TclFuse - Stephen Huntley 1 1
TclGCode - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclGif (read tk image and make an animate GIF) - kmatze 1 1
TclGnoclSpec (openSUSE tcl-gnocl spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclGoo is an URL shortener to be used with Google's URL shortener API - Kristoffer Lawson - Setok 1 1
TclGraphs (Tcl package for graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization) - ecky-l 1 1
TclGrbl - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclHacks -Aspect 1 1
TclHwloc - Andreas Kupries 2 2
TclIRCd - Roy Keene 1 1
TclId3lib - Stephen Huntley 1 1
TclIfconfig - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclIpConsole - FlightAware 3 3
TclJIT - Stephen Huntley 1 1
TclJiraApi - FlightAware 5 5
TclJs (Exported from code.google.com/p/tcl-js) - tcler.yin 1 1
TclJsminSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for JSMin-Tcl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclKitCreator (A collection of simple build scripts compatible with rkeene's kitcreator (https://kitcreator.rkeene.org/fossil/index)) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclLauncher - FlightAware 9 9
TclLeveldb - Danilo Chang 2 2
TclLmdb - Danilo Chang 5 5
TclLuX - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
TclLzf - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclMIDI (Exported from code.google.com/p/tclmidi) - Jos Decoster 1 1
TclMPEG (tcl package for creating mpeg videos) - kmatze 1 1
TclMPI - MPI Bindings for Tcl - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
TclMPI - MPI Bindings for Tcl - Axel Kohlmeyer - akohlmey 1 1
TclManRussian (Russian translation of Tcl manual pages) - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclMap - Stephen Huntley 1 1
TclMarkdown (Tcl Markdown Processing Package) - Will Duquette 1 1
TclMawtSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-mawt) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclMemchanSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for memchan) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclModules (A collection of pure Tcl, production-ready micro packages) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclMsgpack (Tcl API to MessagePack serialization library) - Jos Decoster 1 1
TclNaclSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-nacl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclNano - Roy Keene 1 1
TclNetDict - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclNopCmd - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
TclODE - Kevin Kenny 3 1
TclOO - Donal Fellows 13 13
TclOTP - FlightAware 2 2
TclOpenCL - Peter Cannici 1 1
TclOpencc (Tcl bindings for OpenCC (libopencc)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclPACParser - FlightAware 1 1
TclParser (An extension for Tcl, written in C, that lets Tcl scripts access Tcl's own parser via the parse command) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclParser - TclPro @Aspect 1 1
TclProDebug - @FlightAware 10 10
TclPromiseSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-promise) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclQuadcode - Kevin Kenny, Donal Fellows 2 1
TclQuill (Build tool for Tcl/Tk projects) - Will Duquette 1 1
TclRSSReader - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclReadline - @Aspect 1 1
TclReadline - @FlightAware 24 24
TclReadline - @Roy Keene 1 1
TclRelatedLinks - Danilo Chang 9 9
TclRepl (Tcl package for command / variable etc. completion) - apnadkarni 1 1
TclRobots (Programming game, write Tcl program to control a robot, survive battles with other robots) - Peter Spjuth 1 1
TclRocksdb - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclRuffSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-ruff) - Danilo Chang 2 2
TclRunlog (runner's workout log tool in tcl/tk with sqlite db.) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
TclSASS - FlightAware 1 1
TclSCGI - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
TclSDL - Stephen Huntley 1 1
TclSPI (Tcl API to Serial Peripheral Interface Bus on Raspberry Pi) - Karl Lehenbauer 1 1
TclSSG - TclSSG 13 13
TclSagas (Tcl Sagas - providing a powerful cooperative multi-tasking facility to Tcl Programmers) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclSerialport - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclSignal - Michael Schwartz @William Joye 6 6
TclSnappy (Tcl API to the Google Snappy compression/decompression library) - Jos Decoster 1 1
TclSpline - FlightAware 1 1
TclStateManager (Extensible Tcl State Containers written in pure Tcl) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclStateMgr (Simple C-language state manager for binary structures within Tcl) - Sam Bromley 1 1
TclStomp (STOMP server and client library in Tcl) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
TclStorage (Tcl API to Microsoft Structure Storage files) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
TclStubs - Andreas Kupries 1 1
TclSugarSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Tcl sugar) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclSyslogd - FlightAware 3 3
TclTCC (Tcl binding to TCC compiler) - Mark Janssen 1 1
TclTDS (Tcl package to FreeTDS) - cloudsidekick 1 1
TclTTH - Stephen Huntley 1 1
TclTanzerSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Tcl tanzer) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclTaskManager (Command Execution Scheduler) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclTest2000 - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
TclTestUtilities - Gerald Lester 1 1
TclText (tcl/tk text editor) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
TclTextEdit - Dennis @Sean Woods 1 1
TclTheora (Tcl Package for Working with Ogg Theora Videos) - Sam Bromley 1 1
TclTk (Old - Active development branches on combined Tcl/Tk CVS mirror) - Daniel A. Steffen 1 1
TclTkApplication - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclTkIDE (tcl/tk ide for windows) - kmatze 1 1
TclTkLogbox - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclTkPages - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclTkROText - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclTkRadiogroup - Alexander Danilov 1 1
TclTkzincSpec (openSUSE tcl-tkzinc spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclTrfSpec (openSUSE tcl-trf RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclTweezer - FlightAware 1 1
TclUDP (Git mirror of http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcludp/) - Mark Janssen 1 1
TclUDP - Xiataow 2 1
TclUdpExamples - FlightAware 1 1
TclUkazSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-ukaz) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclUnixSockets (A mirror of the unix_sockets extension by Cyan) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclUnpack (unpack a returned list into separate variables.) - legitstack 1 1
TclUp (simple ftp client in tcl/tk) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
TclVFS - Multiple 1 1
TclValue - Christian Gollwitzer 1 1
TclWS (Use and provide Web Services from Tcl) - Jeff Lawson 1 1
TclWS - Gerald Lester 12 11
TclWapp - tcler.yin 1 1
TclWebsocket ((WIP) Rewriting tcllib websocket with TclOO and some minor bug fixes) - Dash-OS 1 1
TclWebsockets (Tcl package providing libwebsockets functionality) - Jeff Lawson 1 1
TclWibbleSpec (openSUSE tcl-wibble RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclWinRM (Windows Remote Management interface for Tcl) - cloudsidekick 3 3
TclWoof (Clone of Woof! (Web Oriented Object Framework)) - tcler.yin 1 1
TclWubSpec (openSUSE rpm spec for Tcl Wub) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclX - Karl Lehenbauer @FlightAware 18 18
TclXML - Steve Ball @William Joye 1 1
TclXMPPd - Stephen Huntley 1 1
TclXS (Tcl API to Crossroads I/O library) - Jos Decoster 1 1
TclXwiimote - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
TclYaml - Andreas Kupries 4 3
TclZMQ (Tcl API to ZeroMQ) - Jos Decoster 7 7
TclZforth (zforth for tcl) - kmatze 1 1
TclZipVFS - Sean Woods 1 1
TclZlib (A standalone version of the tclkit {[zlib]} command/extension) - Karl Lehenbauer 1 1
TclZstd (openSUSE RPM spec for tcl-zstd) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclZvfs (TCL Zip Virtual File System, Tcl 8.5/8.6 TEA compatible.) - William Joye 1 1
Tcl_Obj deduplication API exposed via Stubs for other extensions to use - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
TclargpSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tclargp) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclclockmod (Tcl clock extension: faster Tcl-module for the replacement of the standard clock ensemble of tcl) - Sergey G. Brester 1 1
TclcsvSpec (tclcsv RPM spec for openSUSE (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclcubrid - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclcurlSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for TclCurl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TcldIMU - Gerald Lester 1 1
TclgdSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tclgd) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclgdb - FlightAware 1 1
Tclgumbo - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclhttpdMarkdown - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tcljs - FlightAware 2 2
Tcljsonnet - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclkit (Mirror of the tclkit repository formerly hosted at google code (tclkit, sdx, vqtcl aka vlerq)) - Pat Thoyts 9 9
Tclkit - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Tclkits - Roy Keene 1 1
Tclkits - Stephen Huntley 1 1
Tcllib - Multiple 68 67
TcllibAO - Danilo Chang 1 1
TcllibSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcllib) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TcllibcSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tcllibc) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclmixer - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclmonetdb - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclmpg123 - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclmpiSpec (openSUSE TclMPI RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclook (A simple TclOO object/class/namespace browser.) - Peter Lewerin 1 1
Tclopenal - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tcloptics (A tiny implementation of composable lenses for nested structures in Tcl) - zpconn 1 1
Tclopusfile - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclparser (TclPro parser compoment) - Danilo Chang 2 2
Tclqrencode - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclreadlineSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tclreadline) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclrmq - FlightAware 6 6
Tclshp (Fork of Tclshp, a Tcl interface for basic utilities distributed with the Shapefile C Library.) - Jim 1 1
Tclshrc - Alexander Danilov 1 1
Tclsndfile - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclsoapSpec (openSUSE TclSOAP RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclstubsNimble (Nimble package needed to build tcl extentions in Nim) - Mark Janssen 1 1
Tcltaglib - Danilo Chang 1 1
TcltlsRpmSpec (TclTLS RPM spec for openSUSE) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclunit (Fork of Tcllib tclunit to make it emit jUnit task XML reports) - Matthias Kraft 1 1
Tclunqlite - Danilo Chang 2 2
Tclusb (List USB devices in Tcl via libusb) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclvfsRpmSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for TclVFS) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclwsSpec (openSUSE Web Services for Tcl (tclws) RPM spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclxSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Extended Tcl (TclX)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tclxqilla - Danilo Chang 1 1
TclzmqSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tclzmq) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tdbchikaricp - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tdbcjdbc - Danilo Chang 3 3
Tdict (online dictionary/dict.org lookup tool) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
TdomSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tdom (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Teapot - ActiveState 21 21
Tekyll (A structured file generator - Typically used to generate static websites) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Templatcl - Danilo Chang 2 2
Templates for Cloverleaf (Tcl, Xlates, etc.) - jamerfort 1 1
Terminal Graphics library for tcl - Adly Abdullah - slebetman 1 1
Test Repository for Tin - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Test of parallel compression acceleration - zlib-ng - zlib-ng 1 1
TextMate support for Tcl - textmate 1 1
TextSearch (Tk Text Widget search) - Peter Spjuth 1 1
Textpix (Converts images into a redefined character set and text screen data.) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Tgdbm - Danilo Chang 1 1
Thatch - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
The BSVC Microprocessor Simulation Framework - BSVC 1 1
The Central Coordination Bureau is an oversight office whose purpose is to help Tcl programs to get around and along in the big scary world - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
The TCL source code for the TI Chronos EZ430 programmable watch. Modified to work on Mac OS/X - Brett Hutley - bhutley 1 1
The Tcl Web Application Framework provides a basic framework for application developers to write web-based applications without having to deal with some of the common overhead associated with building web-based applications. - Roy Keene - rkeene 1 1
The ezdit is a cross-platform editor written in Tcl/Tk - jianiau 1 1
ThemeSelva - openacs 1 1
ThemeZen - openacs 1 1
Thiredis - Danilo Chang 1 1
This is the canonical git mirror of the LLVM subversion repository. Please see http://llvm.org/ for instructions on contributing to LLVM. - LLVM - llvm 1 1
Thread (deprecated) - Multiple 7 7
Thread - Multiple 15 15
Ticklesharp - Danilo Chang 1 1
TimeSheet - Gerald Lester 1 1
TimeTrackCLI - Blair Kitchen 1 1
Tk (The old Tk CVS on SourceForge) - Daniel A. Steffen 1 1
Tk - TCT, Multiple 66 66
Tk Canvas display Of Mathematical Equations 1 1
Tk something image? - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
Tk something? - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
Tk version of Breeze and Breeze Dark themes - Bartek Jasicki - thindil 1 1
TkDND (Extension adding native drag & drop capabilities to Tk) - Georgios Petasis 23 23
TkIMG - Jan Nijtmans @William Joye 2 2
TkIMG at SF - Jan Nijtmans, Paul Obermeier 1 1
TkImg (Fork of the TkImg project at SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net/projects/tkimg/). The vcport branch adds a nmake based build) - apnadkarni 1 1
TkMPEG - William Joye 3 3
TkNotebook - @Tcler Insight 1 1
TkOutline - ? @Tcler Insight 1 1
TkPath (Extended Canvas Widget For Tk) - Rene Zaumseil (rzaumseil) 1 1
TkPath (Extended Canvas Widget For Tk) - apnadkarni 1 1
TkPath (Extended Canvas Widget For Tk) TclBitPrint - Mats Bengtsson (RIP), multiple, last commit 2015 1 1
TkSQLite with AES 128bit encryption support (now supports 5 cipher schema) - Yusuke Yamasaki - yyamasak 1 1
TkSQliteAES128 (TkSQLite with AES 128bit encryption support) - Yusuke Yamasaki 1 1
TkSVG - Christian Gollwitzer 1 1
TkTest (Helpers for automated testing of Tk apps) - Peter Spjuth 1 1
TkTextPlus - TreeCtrl @Josp70 1 1
TkTray (Exported from code.google.com/p/tktray) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
TkTreectrl (Fork of the original tktreectrl project at http://tktreectrl.sf.net/) - apnadkarni 1 1
TkTreectrl - David N. Welton 1 1
TkVideo (Tk widget to display video on Windows from DirectShow sources including webcam or file sources.) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
Tkabber Wiki 1 1
Tkchat (Instant messaging application with clean interface to jabber-based chat rooms) - Steve Havelka 1 1
Tkcon - Jeff Hobbs @William Joye 11 11
Tkconvert (A simple Chinese Convert program written by Tcl/Tk) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TkdndSpec (openSUSE TkDND RPM spec (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tkeyes - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tkhtml - Daniel Steffen, Richard Hipp @William Joye 4 4
Tkhtml3Spec (openSUSE tkhtml3 RPM spec (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TkimgSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tkimg (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tklib - Multiple 26 26
TklibSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tklib) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tkount (tkount - document word count utility in tcl/tk by marc prior) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
TkpathSpec (openSUSE tkpath RPM spec (Tcl/Tk package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tkribbon (Tk package adding widgets based on Windows Ribbon Framework) - Georgios Petasis 1 1
TksvgSpec (openSUSE tksvg RPM spec (tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tktable (Table widget For Tk) - apnadkarni 1 1
Tktable - Jeff Hobbs @William Joye 8 8
TktableSpec (openSUSE TkTable RPM spec (tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TktreectrlSpec (openSUSE tktreectrl RPM spec (tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tkvlc - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tmag (Tcl's libmagic interface) - Matthias Kraft 1 1
ToadHttpd - Sean Woods 1 1
Tockler (Docker client API in Tcl) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Toclbox (A ToolBox for Tcl) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Tokencube (Tokencube sensor receiver) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Tol (Tcl One-Liner) - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
TomcatNativeSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for Apache Tomcat Native Library) - Danilo Chang 1 1
TomsFastMath (Fast public domain, open source, large integer arithmetic library written in portable ISO C) - libtom 68 68
Tool - Sean Woods 1 1
Tool to convert 16 colors images files (PNG/GIF/PPM/PGM) to a format suitable for inclusion in Sega Master System programs. - Julien Verneuil - grz0zrg 1 1
Toolkit for working with Road Trip data - David McNett - nugget 1 1
Towards a list comprehension implementation in TCL. - Daniel Demby - heliomass 1 1
Tpulsesimple - Danilo Chang 1 1
Trace utility package for Tcl - Jose Ignacio Marin Alberdi - jima 1 1
Trackback - openacs 1 1
TransProCalc (translation project management tools) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
Treesitter parser for TCL - Lewis Russell - lewis6991 1 1
Treso - Resolver for Tcl - Stuart Cassof (stwo, aryler) 1 1
Trf - Andreas Kupries @Sean Woods 1 1
TrofsRpmSpec (trofs (Tcl Read-Only Filesystem) RPM spec for openSUSE) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Try telnet macnugget.org - David McNett - nugget 1 1
Tsdb (Simple time-series database) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
TserialportSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tserialport (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Tsoap - openacs 1 1
Tu - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
TuAPI - Roy Keene 1 1
Tulsa - Stuart Cassoff 1 1
TuplespaceThreads - Mark Janssen 1 1
TwitterPoll (Poll Twitter home timelines and insert tweets into a PostgreSQL database) - Will Storey 1 1
TwitterTcl (Eggdrop Tcl script that acts as a Twitter client/bridge on IRC. Also includes an OAuth library for authenticating with Twitter, and a Twitter client library) - Will Storey 18 18
TypechefTea3 (TypeChef setup integrating with Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)) - Stefan Sobernig 1 1
TzintSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for tzint (tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
UPnP - Schelte Bron 1 1
Ucome - Stephen Huntley 1 1
Ukaz - Christian Gollwitzer 1 1
UnameTcl - Danilo Chang 1 1
UnderscoreTcl (Functional programming utilities for Tcl) - zpconn 4 4
Unofficial mirror of mob development branch - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
UrlTitle (Eggdrop scripts that display titles of URLs pasted on an IRC channel) - Donal Fellows 12 12
UrlTitle - Donal Fellows 1 1
Useful TCL scripts for Hypermesh - anick107 1 1
UserTracking - openacs 1 1
Utilities and packages for Tcl and XOTcl - Kristoffer Lawson - Setok 1 1
Utilities related to Tcl primitives - Jose Ignacio Marin Alberdi - jima 1 1
VHDL Tcl interpreter - Kevin Thibedeau - kevinpt 1 1
VImTcl - Aspect 1 1
ValueBasedShipping - openacs 1 1
Various Tcl scripts - Pixelz - Pixelz 1 1
VecTcLab - Christian Gollwitzer 1 1
VecTcl - Christian Gollwitzer 1 1
VectclSpec (openSUSE vectcl RPM spec (Tcl package)) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Very small standalone full text search HTTP/SCGI server - D. Bohdan - dbohdan 1 1
Views - openacs 1 1
Vim Control Language (a tiny TCL-ish for Vim) - Barry Arthur 1 1
Vim integration of Nagelfar for checking .tcl files. - Jessica Kathleen McIntosh - JessicaKMcIntosh 1 1
Visual Tcl Mirror 1 1
VkGetPhotos (download photos from specified vk.com page) - Alexander Danilov 1 1
Vlerq - Jean-Claude Wippler 1 1
Vmodem (A modem emulator) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
Vtkfox (FOX/VTK canvas widget and interactor) - Pietro Cerutti 1 1
WIP: Small task runner library in Tcl. Makefile alternative. - Kobayasi, Hiroaki - hkoba 1 1
WITS - Windows Inspection Tool Set - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
Wacl (Tcl distribution for WebAssembly or Javascript) 2 2
Wapp - Richard Hipp 2 1
Wapp is a framework for writing web applications in TCL - Oleg - lego12239 1 1
WarLightAIChallengeSampleTclbot - Gerald Lester 1 1
Watchdog (CoreOS/fleet watchdog) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Web Services for Tcl (aka tclws) - TCL Core mirror - Cyril - cyrilthomas 1 1
Web server for Tcl - Jeremy Cowgar - jcowgar 1 1
WebAssembly For Tcl - rkeene - Roy Keene 1 1
WebSocketServer.tcl - crshults 1 1
Webapp - Roy Keene 1 1
Weblog application 1 1
Webmail - openacs 1 1
WebmailSystem - openacs 1 1
Wibble (Unofficial repo tracking the Wibble development.) - Matthias Kraft 1 1
Widget 9 9
Widget Objects in Tcl - Alex Baker - ambaker1 1 1
Wiki - openacs 1 1
WikiTcl (Exported from code.google.com/p/wikitcl) - Jos Decoster 1 1
WikiTcl - Jean-Claude Wippler @Stephen Huntley 1 1
Wikit (Wikit implements a wiki using Tcl and Metakit) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
Wikit - Jean-Claude Wippler 1 1
WinICO - Mark Janssen 1 1
Windows-specific Tcl extension to access and implement COM objects - Chin Huang - pukkaone 1 1
Winsend (Tk 'send' functionality implemented using Windows COM objects) - Pat Thoyts 1 1
Withstander (Automatically execute commands on containers that have run amok) - Emmanuel Frecon 1 1
Wize - Wish Integrated Zip Executable - pdqi - PDQ Interfaces - pcm - Peter C MacDonald 1 1
Wobble - Wibble Web Server - john roll - jbroll 1 1
Woof! - Web development framework - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
WoofTcl - ? @Tcler Insight 1 1
Workflow - openacs 1 1
WpSlim - openacs 1 1
WpsPortlet - openacs 1 1
Wub - Colin McCormack (Tcl HTTP server (obsoleted by HereTcl)) 1 1
Wub - Colin McCormack @Jos Decoster (Exported from code.google.com/p/wub) 1 1
Wub - Colin McCormack @Stephen Huntley @Sean Woods, Hypnotoad 2 2
Wub - Colin McCormack @tcler.yin (Clone from https://code.google.com/archive/p/wub/source/default/source) 1 1
WubWikit (Exported from code.google.com/p/wubwikit) - Jos Decoster 1 1
WubWikit - Stephen Huntley 1 1
Wubexamples (Examples using Wub) - Jos Decoster 1 1
XDGBasedirTcl (Tcl module to access the XDG Base Directory Specification) - Lawrence Woodman 1 1
XMLFileBrowser - Gerald Lester 1 1
XcmsUi - openacs 1 1
Xilinx Tcl Store - Xilinx - Xilinx 1 1
XmlRpc - openacs 1 1
Xmlgen.tcl (Excellent xml/html generator writen with Tcl. Copy of http://downloads.sourceforge.net/tclxml/xmlgen-1.4.tar.gz) - tcler.yin 1 1
Xolp - openacs 1 1
XotclCore - openacs 1 1
XotclRequestBroker (A multi-protocol remoting infrastructure for OpenACS) - Stefan Sobernig 1 1
XotclRequestMonitor - openacs 1 1
XotclSoap (A SOAP protocol plugin for the xotcl-request-broker) - Stefan Sobernig 1 1
Xowf (XoWiki Workflow) - Gustaf Neumann 1 1
Xowf - openacs 1 1
Xowiki - openacs 1 1
XowikiIncludelet - openacs 1 1
XowikiPortlet - openacs 1 1
Xpostulate (cross-posting blog client in tcl/tk) - Tony Baldwin 1 1
Xqilla (XQilla - C++ implementation of XQuery and XPath 2.0 based on Xerces-C rpm spec) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Yajl (A fast streaming JSON parsing library in C) - Cyan Ogilvie 1 1
YajlTcl - FlightAware 14 14
YajlTclSpec (openSUSE RPM spec for yajl-tcl) - Danilo Chang 1 1
Yandex Clickhouse client bindings to Tcl - Rover the Cat - RoverAMD 1 1
Ycl - Nathan Coulter 1 1
Yj2pwsafe (Add passwords or serial numbers exported from Yojimbo to a Password Safe-compatible database.) - Jim 1 1
Yubikey-compatible validation server and client for OTP validation written in Tcl - bef 1 1
Zeitgit - FlightAware 1 1
Zlib (A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library) - Mark Adler 1 1
ZookeeperTcl - FlightAware 2 2
Zwave - Schelte Bron 1 1
a feathered serpent, delightful integration between python, the serpent, and TCL, the feather... - FlightAware - flightaware 10 10
a free and open-source MIB Browser for Linux and Windows platforms - jianiau 3 3
a naive sensory motor inference engine. - Jordan Miller - lastmeta 1 1
a package for doing fancy things with digital RGB LED strips on the Raspberry Pi - Karl Lehenbauer - lehenbauer 1 1
advanced disk information utility 1 1
automation ui tools - rock feng - RockFeng0 1 1
awdark and awlight themes for Tk, scalable themes 1 1
aws-tcl - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
blog - wooosh 1 1
cad4tcl - common interface to tk::canvas and TkPath. cad4tcl is used in rattleCAD 1 1
cflib - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
cook file system (TCL) - Greyson Christoforo - greyltc 1 1
core.tcl-lang.org - Andreas Kupries 1 1
crc64ecma for tcl / clone of my fosssil repository - ALX - aschoepe 1 1
crypto-ce - html custom element - a container that contains encrypted data - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
de1app - DecentEspresso - decentespresso 1 1
docopt.org for TCL - docopt 1 1
e-maxx-eng.github.io - Trung Nguyen - ngthanhtrung23 1 1
eCapTcl (An eCAP adapter for Tcl) - Georgios Petasis 1 1
eostric 1 1
ggml implementation of BERT NeuralNet Architecture - Neofytos Dimitriou - jerily 1 1
git commit log aggregator and repository collaboration tools - David McNett - nugget 1 1
home 1 1
inifile.tcl - tanxiaoning007 - livindg 1 1
itcl in javascript - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
itclWidgets (A reimplementation of iWidgets) - Arnulf Wiedemann 1 1
jabberlib 1 1
jira tcl rest apis - Mallikarjunarao Kosuri - vkosuri 1 1
kbs - kitgen build system - Rene Zaumseil (rzaumseil) 1 1
learning tcl - Tan Yong Heng - Misterhex 1 1
libfossil 1 1
libtclpy - Calling Python libs from Tcl - aidanhs 1 1
libtclpy - Tcl extension to effortlessly to call bidirectionally between Tcl and Python - aidanhs 1 1
linear algebra (matrices computation) school help programm - Artur - xdobry 1 1
math::geometry Tcl package - nico-robert 1 1
minimal Tcl test framework with colour output - bef 1 1
misc tcl - mittelmark - detlef groth 1 1
netdgram - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
network on chip simulation & visualization tools- Mark 1 1
ooxml - ECMA-376 Office Open XML File Formats - for Tcl / clone of my fosssil repository - ALX - aschoepe 1 1
ooxml - Office Open XML File Formats Spreadsheet (ECMA-376) - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
or1k-tcltools - Franck Jullien - fjullien 1 1
pbForth is (yet another) incarnation of Forth that is designed to work with the LEGO MindStorms RCX brick as an alternative firmware for the RCX - BrickBot 1 1
quickly hacked-together IRC manpage bot - Peter Piwowarski - oldlaptop 1 1
risc-v assembly language - john roll - jbroll 1 1
rss2html - Danilo Chang - ray2501 1 1
run-command dialog in tcl/tk - Peter Piwowarski - oldlaptop 1 1
selenium-tcl - jianiau 1 1
simple QEMU frontend written in core Tcl/Tk - Thanos Zygouris - thanoulis 1 1
simple bespoke sheet music management database - Peter Piwowarski - oldlaptop 1 1
simple calculator written in core Tcl/Tk - Thanos Zygouris - thanoulis 1 1
simple clipboard manager written in core Tcl/Tk - Thanos Zygouris - thanoulis 1 1
simple flashcard program for the terminal@gh - anaseto 1 1
simple systemd unit viewer written in core Tcl/Tk - Thanos Zygouris - thanoulis 1 1
simple tabbed text editor written in core Tcl/Tk - Thanos Zygouris - thanoulis 1 1
simple version of a messaging system in tcl using sockets - Jordan Miller - lastmeta 1 1
simple zenity/kdialog/etc replacement written in core Tcl/Tk - Thanos Zygouris - thanoulis 1 1
smake - Make with/in Tcl - Kristoffer Lawson - Setok 1 1
snacc - asn.1 / tcl 1 1
snap build of Tcl with a large set of packages, mainly from Codeforge and Ruby Lane - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
snippets - collection of Tcl/Tk scripts - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
svg in tcl based on tclOO, tcllib (math) and tdom 1 1
tDOM - Rolf Ade 1 1
tcl - Hank Adler - hankadler 1 1
tcl package for calculating with units 1 1
tcl package for driving stepper motors via gpio - vh3 1 1
tcl scripts to run the particle filters - Andres Codas - andrescodas 1 1
tcl scripts utilities - cloro 1 1
tcl-digraphs 1 1
tcl-fcgi - Mark Janssen - mpcjanssen 1 1
tcl-promise - Promise concurrency primitive for Tcl - apn - Ashok Nadkarni 1 1
tclcrc - crc64ecma - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
tclcurl - Qcode Software Limited - qcode-software 1 1
tclespeak - aska - vtcl 1 1
tclgpg 1 1
tcltk - Thomas Perschak 1 1
tcltk - Thomas Perschak - teclab-at 3 3
tcltk database ui form generator - Artur - xdobry 1 1
tclxmpp 2 2
tclzipfs - William Joye - wjoye 1 1
teapuretcl - TEA for pure Tcl packages - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
theo – return a quote from theo.c - Kamil Rytarowski - krytarowski 1 1
thin wrapper around Tk canvas allowing all coordinates, lengths and angles to be given as expressions 1 1
this is a tcl script for unpacking bitrock packed archives - Grey Christoforo - greyltc 1 1
this is my attempt of adding in the pipe opperator like from erlang or whatever - Jordan Miller - lastmeta 1 1
throttle email notifications from syslog-ng to multiple distribution groups - nic - nabbi 1 1
tkabber 1 1
tkabber-contrib 1 1
tkabber-plugins 1 1
tkagif - William Joye - wjoye 1 1
tkdiff - side-by-side diff viewer, editor and merge preparer 1 1
tkpath - Andras Varga - avarga 1 1
tktray debian package (derived from sgolovan debianization) - Yauhen Kharuzhy - jekhor 1 1
tmake advanced build system - Steve Bennett - msteveb 1 1
tpee - Access python from tcl - Kearn Holliday - kearnh 1 1
tserialport - Get a list of Serial Ports (native, usb and bluetooth) - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
tserialport - tcl package for library libserialport / clone of my fosssil repository - ALX - aschoepe 1 1
ttk-themes 1 1
twtxt parser for Tcl and Tk-based feed viewer 1 1
tzint - tcl package for libzint barcode encoding library (no Tk needed) - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
tzint - tcl package for libzint barcode encoding library / clone of my fosssil repository - ALX - aschoepe 1 1
umask - tcl package for getting and setting file creation mask - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
unix domain socket support for Tcl - Cyan Ogilvie - cyanogilvie 1 1
unpack a returned list into separate variables. - Jordan Miller - lastmeta 1 1
vtcl - aska - vtcl 1 1
wTk - Gerald Lester 1 1
websh - tcl apache 2 module (fork of tcl.apache.org/websh) - Alexander Schoepe 1 1
websh - tcl apache2 module (fork of tcl.apache.org/websh) clone of my fosssil repository - ALX - aschoepe 1 1
when you don't have the balls to test your F5 BIG-IP iRules directly in production - Stefan Magnus Landrø - landro 1 1
with - Cyril - cyrilthomas 1 1
xlsx-expr - john roll - jbroll 1 1
zig-tcl - Mark Janssen - mpcjanssen 1 1
zlib replacement with optimizations for \"next generation\" systems. - zlib-ng - zlib-ng 1 1
µtcl - TCL for embedding - Kamil Rytarowski - krytarowski 1 1
Сollection of TCL scripts for Cisco IOS penetration testing - Arseniy Sharoglazov - mohemiv 11 11

Contact information

Mail to Andreas Kupries