File 'lib/prepare.tcl' (part of 'Makedist')

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Written by
Andreas Kupries
Preparation of a retrieved module.
Depends on
Tcl, Pool_Base

::makedist::AnalyseVersion (versionnumber)

Splits the versionnumber into its parts (major, minor, patchlevel)
Argument: versionnumber Number to split.
Returns: a 3-element list containing major, minor and patchlevel, in this order.

::makedist::CareFor (module file)

Searches for file in the module-directory. Copies it to the area of supporting files, if found.
Argument: module Name of the module we are preparing. This is equal to the name of the directory to search in.
Argument: file Name of the file to search and copy.

::makedist::CareForSpecials (module)

Copies special files of module into the area of supporting files.
Argument: module Name of the module we are preparing. This is equal to the name of the directory to search in.

::makedist::GetDescription (module descvar)

Retrieves the description of the distributed module, as specified in the file DESCRIPTION.
Argument: module Name of the module we are preparing. This is equal to the name of the directory to search for DESCRIPTION.
Argument: descvar Name of the array variable to fill in.

::makedist::Manifest (module)

Generates a manifest for module and places it into it.
Dangers: Usage of 'chmod' generates unix dependency.
Argument: module Name of the module we are preparing. This is equal to the name of the directory to scan.

::makedist::SetupInfo (infovar descvar module)

Initializes the array variable serving as interface to the module specific preparation code.
Argument: infovar Name of the array variable to fill in.
Argument: descvar Name of the array variable to fill with DESCRIPTION information.
Argument: module Name of the module we are preparing.

::makedist::SetupInterpreter (name)

Generates and prepares the interpreter the module specific preparation code shall be run in.
Argument: name Name of the interpreter to create and prepare.

::makedist::prepare (opt)

Interface to the preparation phase. In contrast to the phases ::makedist::retrieve, ::makedist::pack and ::makedist::transport, which only forward the request made to the appropriate plugin, this one does considerable action by itself before and after execution of the module specific preparation script.
Dangers: Usage of 'chmod' creates unix dependency
Notes: Assumes that the working directory is set to be the build directory. The called preparation script should not change the working directory, but this code will work even if that is done.
Argument: opt Name of the array variable containing the configuration to be used. Required entry is the module. This entry will be changed from the bare name to one containing the version as suffix. The option array is communicated to the external script too (as 'mOpt'), to allow its customization.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.1 at 06/05/1999, invoked by Andreas Kupries