
UpDefinitions for mail

The vacation module is a simple auto-responder. It is implemented as a single action using several configuration variables and external files.

The directory <mainConfigDir>/vacation is added to the list of paths searched for configuration files.

Subcmd Description

The originator of any incoming mail passing through this action is extracted from the mail and then sent a notice stored in an external file.

The module takes care not to send this mail to each address more than once.

See the last of the Examples too.

Configuration variables
Key Value

Contains the name of the file used to store the database of addresses which already got the notice.

The default, as set in the distribution configuration file for vacation is <mainConfigDir>/vacation/db.

The database is maintained as tcl code, more specifically an array set-command for easy reading, writing and access to the database.


Contains the name of the file containing the message to send out. All occurrences of @sender@ in the message are changed to the address of the person who sent the mail causing the notice.

The default, as set in the distribution configuration file for vacation is <mainConfigDir>/vacation/msg.


Contains the name of the file containing the email address to use as the sender of the notice itself.

The default, as set in the distribution configuration file for vacation is <mainConfigDir>/vacation/from.

© Andreas Kupries
Last update at Thu Nov 11 21:48:40 MET 1999