The generated filenames for the various pages are now derived from the names of the files, classes, proocedures and namespaces they describe. In other words, pages inside of a generated documentation don't change anymore with the addition or removal of new entities as was the case with names derived from a serial number.
Four more tags were defined to allow integration of bug, date and version information, and of examples. The tags are @bug, @date, @version and @example. The tags @bug and @example have the shortcuts @b and @ex.
Added support for [incr Tcl] and [incr Tk], like common variables, components, options and visibility of subentities (public, protected ansd private).
Information about inheritance and overides is now automatically added to method descriptions.
A new index now lists all namespaces found in the scanned code.
Autodoc now supports the usage of superclasses defined outside of the scanned code. If a superclass is not found the system now automatically seraches for a crossreference or dependecy reference using the name of the superclass as key.
Autodoc is now able to generate HTML with support for CSS.
Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/28/2001, invoked by Andreas Kupries,,,